Saturday, December 1, 2012

December Cometh

December is here and I'm mostly done with my Christmas shopping.  I still want to get the two baby girl dogs a new sweater and some more dog cookies.  They do love their Petco creme sandwich cookies as well as their carob chip cookies.

I'm thinking this year maybe I'll get a super small live tree.  I was imagining one about three feet tall.  Easy to decorate and easy to drag out of the house and put at the curb for pickup.  The more I think about it the more it makes sense.  The cats won't be tempted to climb it so it will remain upright and the ornaments will stay in one piece. I'll post a picture when we get it up.

Everyone of the fur kids are doing pretty well so far.  Tanner is getting used to my giving him a dose of eye medicine each night and even tolerates a good pet for a few minutes after.  I think he likes it, but tries to act like he is being put out by having to stand there and take it. He sometimes hisses at me just to show that he is still in control of the situation.  Lamont wants to be petted also but when you quit petting him he reaches out and snags you with his claws.  He's caught me in the butt as well as the shoulder on my way out the door.

I have to say that I can't wait for the cold, and possibly snowy weather.  Maybe even a white Christmas?  I don't have much to look forward to this time of year because I rarely  receive any presents.  Snow would be just the best present of all!  I guess I'll have to take what I get, right?

I'm getting in the mood for about you?

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place