Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Maybe Yes, Maybe No

I have a big decision to make.  Our neighbor is going to move to the southern Coastal area of Oregon and wants to take Lamont with him.  In light of the trouble I've been having with him bullying Homer and Paddy, I'm thinking about letting him go.  The only problem with that decision is that every time I have let someone have one of my cats they have ended up dead within the first month or two. I've told the neighbor that Lamont must be an indoor cat and that if anything happens (that he decides he doesn't want him anymore)  he must be brought back here.  I just don't know what to do.

Tanner is finally exploring different places to sleep in the house.  He hasn't found the cat tree yet but it won't be long.  I'm having a devil of a time trying to get his eye meds in his right eye every day.  Now that he's got more room to run in and more places to hide it's a real challenge for me.  I need to get a flea treatment on him soon. (Good luck with that) He's already starting to get bumpy skin again.  Back to the vet again.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Monday, February 10, 2014

Fina's House

Here's the last day of our three day storm.  (Sugar learned how to use the dog run really quickly when the snow got belly high.)  We ended up getting about two inches more through the day.  It's finally warmed up to 45 degrees and it's raining.

Here's the kitty tree I've been telling you about.  We dedicated it to Fina's memory as "Fina's House".

Homer loves to get into the top little cubby and watch everyone.  The first night it was put together, he climbed to the top and slept on one of the top three pedestals. Speaking of put together.....I did an inventory of all the parts before I put it together.  Everything was there. Oddly.........there was a leftover screw when I finished.  hmmmmm?  Well, in my defense....it seems very sturdy.

My sensitive little Chantilly kitty (Homer) is having a problem with Lamont being in the main part of the house.  Lamont keeps getting in his face and his reaction is,  hiss, scream and swat.  Lamont stands there wondering what he's  done to illicit that reaction.  I go and chase away the big bad wolf and Homer is all better for a bit.  I know at some point I'm going to have to let them settle it but for now I'm keeping the peace.

Cherry went to the vet last week and was diagnosed with a skin bacterial infection.  She's on medication and doing much better now.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place