Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Their Movin' On Up

The cats didn't get much for Christmas this year so I decided, at the time, to order a big cat tree for them to enjoy after Christmas.  I ordered it yesterday and it's due here on Friday of this week.  I only wish Fina was still here.  I know she would have loved it more than the others.  It's 72" high with a couple of boxes for them to hide in and several platforms to be lazy on.  I just tried to upload a picture of the tower but it's not happening.  When we get it together I'll snap a picture of the finished object before it gets mauled by the cats.  Lamont and Tanner were out of the back room yesterday most of the day.  They didn't eat their breakfast this morning so I didn't let them out again.  I want them to enjoy the cat tree too.  Instead of carpeting on plywood they use faux fur now.  That's not going to last very long I'm afraid.  My kids will have that looking shabby by next year.

Yesterday while Tanner and Lamont were out of the back room they rediscovered the joys of the deck and dog run (where we feed all the squirrels and birds). There was a Little Oregon Junco bouncing around super close to the slider in front of the two of them and I thought Lamont was going to go through the glass to get it.  They were both mesmerized for about 30 minutes then it was on to the next big thing.  I think they found joy in using a strange cat box after the bird and squirrel viewing.  Then they moved on to slobbering in a strange water bowl.  SO MUCH FUN THEY HAD!  Paddy and Homer watched them very carefully to make sure they didn't break any rules.  Moosey slept in front of the fireplace while the others took care of watching the foreigners.

Next month I want to get one of those suction cup, clear, acrylic feeders that attach to the window.  They should have a ball with that.  That's going to be like having their very own kitty TV.  

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Sunday, January 26, 2014

It's Magic

The shock of loosing Fina is still too fresh and raw.  The other cats seemed a bit withdrawn today but mostly normal.  

This past week Paddy and Homer decided to take a sealed Tupperware cereal bowl off the table and open it since it was filled with Whiskas and not Paddy's CD prescription diet.  (Paddy tends to make bladder stones so he needs to ONLY eat CD food.)  They managed to open the sealed and burped lid from the cereal bowl and munch down ALL the food.  Now.....I have a problem with this.  I installed childproof locks on the kitchen cabinets to keep them out.  It doesn't.  It just makes a bunch of noise while they work to get them open.  Now I can't store the "good stuff" for moosey and Homer in the sealed cereal bowl because they have learned how to open it.  I might add there were zero teeth marks on the lid and bowl.  I need to install cameras to find out what magic trick they used.  Maybe they opened it like a beer cap on a bottle.  hitting the side of the table with the edge of the lid?

Things are never dull in this house.  Moosey is starting to loose more strength in his back legs.  He is still able to get around, it just takes him longer to get where he's going.  That will be what takes him out eventually I fear.  It will be a quality of life decision in the end.  But for now he's doing well, let's just celebrate that, OK?

I was so happy last week.  For the very first time I saw three Cedar Waxwings in our backyard.  Those were on the top of my bird watching wishlist....and there they were! They were so beautiful.  Unfortunately they were gone by the time I got my camera to the window.  I got one shot and it was blurred because they were trying to eat all the little red berries off a tree before the robins and starlings could get them.

The sun we have been having has boosted the cats moods.  They lay almost all day in the sun as it streams through the front door.  Tuesday the rain returns so they are soaking up as much as possible now.  It's almost like they know the rain is coming.

If anyone has any idea how those two cats opened the cereal bowl, please let me know.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Saturday, January 25, 2014

And Now We Are Five

Today is a very sad day at Muttzncatz's Place.  We have lost another child.  Fina went to the vet today because she wasn't eating as well as she should have been (losing weight) and she seemed lethargic.  I was thinking maybe she would need a test for her thyroid function and maybe some antibiotics to help her ragged breathing.  Her breathing was nothing unusual since she seemed to get that symptom once in a while.  The doctor ex-rayed her and found a growth that was making it impossible for her to breathe properly.  He said it had become part of her lungs.  We had her put down since it was only going to get worse, it was inoperable and she was already struggling to breathe.
Ed and I made it to the corner after leaving the vets office and got a pop at the local Taco Bell, cried for a half hour and went home.  It was such a shock.  We expected to be taking her home with us and she was gone!
We will all miss our "Queen" Fina.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place