Monday, April 29, 2013

Get A Job?

I have decided that one of my sites should be dedicated to those that are trying to find a second, retirement, or a quit-my-job income. Many of us have spent so much money trying to find a way to make money on the Internet.  What were we thinking?

For every good thing that comes into our lives there's someone waiting in the wings to take it away.  Perhaps you have a refund on your taxes and you want to invest it wisely (you think) and start up an Internet business.  The Internet  has brought us knowledge, current events and a chance to improve ourselves with college courses or lessons in almost anything you can dream of.  It also, unfortunately, is laced with many predators that want to take what little money you have in your possession.

My intent is to weed out those leeches that tell you only X amount of money is needed and they will give up all their information.  You pay them the money and once you get into their member's only area you are expected to buy several more packages to improve or upgrade your chances.

It makes me sick that those that are being prayed upon are those that need their money the most. Have you lost your job?  Have your medical bills driven you to the brink of Bankruptcy? Are you ready to loose your home?  THESE PEOPLE DON'T CARE!  "Max out one more of your credit cards because I know you will make all your money plus some in the first month," they say.

I will be reviewing some of these programs and I will be telling you up front from a consumer, not an affiliates, view just how straight forward they really are.  The affiliate stands to make money from those that buy the program coming form the affiliates web page.  I know of several of these sites that try to tell you how excited they are about the new launch of and how much they promise you can make per month.  I have a few of my own stories to tell and they aren't pretty!

Stay tuned and I'll give you a link to the review page when I get it up and running.

Good Day From Muttzncatz's Place

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

QT...TV..... And Jammies

Let's see...where was I when I last posted?  Oh, right......Quantum Touch.  To briefly explain quantum touch.....We're all energy releasing machines.  Everything on this earth gives off energy vibrations from the smallest particle to the largest object you can imagine.  Each one of us vibrates as well.  some more than others.  Quantum Touch is directing that energy toward someone who's body needs help healing for one reason or another.  It teaches you how to raise your energy and then to send it to someone who needs help healing.  Their body, in turn, does what it was meant to do and begins healing. This technique is becoming widely used for many ailments including mental issues.  The possibilities are endless!  I'm currently working on Amos. He has that issue with continual drainage from his right nostril.  I have six cats and two dogs to practice on and it can't hurt to try, right?

I took the above picture off the Internet. I thought you would get a chuckle out of it. 

Over the weekend we found a 55" projection TV on Freecycle.  (For those who don't know what freecycle is, it's a list that you can subscribe to that offers free things. You just have to go and pick them up.) I haven't even plugged it in yet because I'm still recovering from getting from a guy's basement to the pick-up and from the pick-up up the steps to the house (a total of thirteen steps).  My husband and I moved it ourselves and it wasn't easy.  I'm hoping I'll be able to hook it up tomorrow evening after dinner.

I'm working on opening a store on the Internet soon.  I will be selling electronics, vitamins, books and pet related items.  This is a time consuming project so be patient.  I'll share a link to the different areas when they're done.
Speaking of pets........I need to get another couple of pairs of jammies for Sugar and Cherry. At first I thought, awe......they are so cute!  Then I realized the jammies kept them from scratching and tearing up their skin from their allergies. (One has dry skin rash and the other we haven't determined what she is allergic to)  Now they get into their jammies every night and we all sleep better for it.

More to come soon!
Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Sunday, April 14, 2013

You're Getting Sleepy..................

I do believe that the readings I received were spot on.    Let me fill you in on what has been happening in my life.  Since I was here last I have become a certified hypnotist.  I am a past life regression therapist, also certified. I need to complete my advanced courses to become a full fledged hypnotherapist though.  I'm currently looking for a grant for around 5,000 dollars to complete my studies.

I have been studying Quantum healing and manifesting wonderful things into my life.  The more I learn about the human brain the more I understand what is truly possible for us to be and do.  We have been using so little of our brain on an every day basis.  I'll try to explain to you some of the finer points as I progress into my studies.  If you have ever heard of the expression,  "be careful what you wish for"?  It's true.  Painfully true.  Most of us wish into existence some horrible things because we have become so negative about everything.  Do you remember saying, " I sure hope ________ doesn't happen"?  You just put ______ into existence and it most likely will happen!
I can tell you from my experience on this's hard to stop thinking that way but you must try to think more positive thoughts.  I've found that it's also hard to keep your temper in check when dealing with someone who breathes out negativity with every breath.

I have more things in the works also.  I'll be expanding on my explanation of manifesting, explaining Quantum healing and my new ventures.  I have started an online business' (soon to launch).

The cats are doing pretty well.The dogs are becoming even more like the divas we knew they could be.  You must never offer them a piece of toast WITH the crust still on it.  (don't we have maids that will remove nasty things like that from the bread?)  Also...... " since I'm not going to go to bed without it...YOU bend over and pick up my toy on your way to the bedroom!"  Then there's the typical...."There isn't a water bowl in the bedroom"?  "I'm going to sit here and stare at you until I get a drink of water."

So........I'll be back to tell you of my adventures into all sorts of wondrous things.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place