Tuesday, February 18, 2020


We still have Poppy in the guest bathroom.  He seems happy enough but I'm trying to socialize him so he can possibly be adopted.  The Humane Society wants a video of one of us picking him up to see if he is calm enough to be  adopted out of there.  I will try tomorrow to pick him up.  I'm freaked out about this because I'm on blood thinners.  I know... put on some big girl panties, get some leather gloves and just do it!

Lilafluff is in the house now and loving it. She is so lovable.  Winnie loves to jump out and shock her when she's walking through the house.  To get even Fluff sits in the second rung of the cat tree and swats Winnie as she goes by.  

That's Zoey in the top spot.  She ignores both Winnie and Fluff.  Queens are like that you know.....

That's pretty much the straight poop for now!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place