Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

I have Christmas mostly done.  I have to clean the house and make the dinner for tomorrow night and then It's over.  All the gifts are wrapped and cards have been sent.  I still need to send my friend in Hawaii her fingerless gloves but I ran out of money so that will have to wait until after Christmas.

I couldn't find anything good for the cats this year so after Christmas I'm going to by them a huge cat tree.  That should bring Tanner and Lamont out of the back room.  I think the one I'm looking at should be big enough for all six cats at one time.

I was one of the people who shopped at Target (not once but three times) during the credit and debit card hacking period.  I went to the bank and cancelled my debit card and got a temporary one until after Christmas.  I think it's a good thing to change your card number once in-a-while anyway.  I know with my past luck that I would probably be one of the people who's card is plucked off the Internet and used to the max.  Now I don't have to worry about it.

I can't wait to see what I don't get this year.  I don't see how he can top my grabber from last year.  *sigh*  It's sad...but I'm not expecting much of anything again.

Better go and get some much needed sleep.  Tomorrow is a busy day for me.

Merry Christmas From Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

There's A Reason

There's a reason why Homer is so upset and chews his hair off.  A friend and neighbor happened to be watching animal planet and they were doing a program on Chantilly cats.  She called me and said, "tune into the program", and I was astounded by all the similarities between the Chantilly and Homer.  This explains a bunch about our little Homer.  Chantilly's are highly nervous and have high anxiety.  They over-groom because of their problems.

When you rescue an animal you never quit know what to expect for behavior.  You have no idea what breed they are from (usually) unless it's obvious like the Siamese or Burmese.  The Chantilly also has a weird meow.  It's not a real meow it's sort of a trill.  They need more love and attention than most breeds and also need grooming more.  That is...when they haven't chewed all their hair off.
Now at least...I don't feel guilty for taking out a plastic garbage bag and swishing it through the air to open it, only to find Homer running away like I'm going to bag HIM and throw him in the trash.

We had a incident a couple of months ago.  Homer was asleep on the carpet close to the front door.  There was a solar tube almost over his head. (This lets in more light in an otherwise dark corner of the room) The cover decided to fall to the floor right next to him and he almost ended up on the ceiling where the cover had been.  He certainly is a good jumper.  He jumps higher than any of the other cats ever have.

Now we need to learn to live with our part Chantilly cat.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Major Update (not exciting)

The kitties are all doing fairly well.  Moosey is holding his own and still being force fed three times a day.  Every once-in-a-while he will scarf down some friskies but most of the time I have to give him 50 mils Hills Science Diet ad food.

Tanner's immune system isn't the best because if his Thyroid problem or his thyroid is bad because of his immune system...not sure which.  He has developed allergies to flea bites and has to have a shot more times than I like. I can actually pick him up now without him freaking out.  He and Lamont live in the back bedroom.  I tried the other day to get them to come out for a bit and socialize with the rest of the gang.  NO WAY!  I pushed Lamont out the door and he ran back in.  The door remained open for at least an hour and a half and neither one would venture out that door.  I think I'm going to throw them out of the room and close the door before they can run back in.  They are not getting the exercise they need in that small room.

Homer is finally growing his hair back on his back half.  Strange though....it's coming in sort of grey instead of black.  He has completely stopped spraying and has made friends with Paddy.  I haven't determined if Homer is now the alpha or Paddy kept the title, but everything seems cool between them so it's all good.

Cherry and Sugar are good but Cherry has to go to the vet and get some de-worming pills.  I noticed when I picked up her poop today that she has worms.  YUCK!  
They both look so cute in their little parkas and knitted hats with the pompon's on top. The weather has turned very chilly here so they're getting suited up before going out for potty.  Sugar always manages to work her hat down over her eyes as she walks and ends up not being able to see where she's going.

The weather man here says Winter is just around the corner and we can look forward to cold weather for quite a while.  COME ON SNOW!!!!!!!  It has to snow this year.  It's been several years since we had a good snow storm.

I am now on Medicare part B.  Yea!!!  No more Providence preferred insurance. That was expensive with a huge deductible.  If you weren't going to the doctor all the time it was like not having insurance at all.  Now I have HealthNet and it seems to be doing the trick.  I went to the doctor for my yearly and it didn't cost anything except a small copay.  My blood work was basically free too.  We cancelled our insurance through my husband's work and now we get so much more on his paycheck.  He is covered by VA anyway.  He was only carrying it so I could have insurance.  Things are getting better.

So that's the way it is as of today.

Good Night from Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Not Much New

I'm still here.  So are my six kitties and two princess pooches.  We are still force feeding Amos and he is doing very well.  Homer ( I think) has stopped licking off all his hair.  He still looks very strange though.  His back half is almost bald all the way around his body and the front half is nice and fluffy like a long hair kitty should be.  The doctor gave him an allergy shot and that seemed to stop the licking.  I was also sold a new product by the same people that make Frontline Plus.  It's called Tritak.  It supposedly starts killing the fleas and hour after the first application.  I could see no difference between the Frontline Plus and the Tritak.  It's only a couple of dollars difference between the two, but I think it isn't worth it.

Both dogs are on an antihistamine for their flea allergies.  I'm so glad the Summer is coming to a close so the fleas will die-back a bit.  Cherry has very dry skin and Sugar has super greasy skin.  We have to bathe both of them almost every week to treat their skin problems. 

Paddy is driving me crazy trying to get all the other cat's food.  Since he is on a prescription diet to prevent crystals in his bladder he can't have anything but Hills Science Diet C D.  I have to help Fina with her food and while my back is turned he first tries to steal what's left of Homer's bowl of food then he tries for Amos' bowl.  God help me if I don't pay complete attention for a split second!  He's a fairly large cat but he sure moves fast. 

My new plan is to let Lamont and Tanner out of the back room for a whole day once a week.  I don't want them to loose their muscle tone like Amos did so they need exercise time.  I wish I could keep them out but Lamont sprays if left in the main part of the house and Tanner hides and it's hard to catch him for medication.  I will say that Tanner has come a long way though.  I am able to pet him and put drops in his eyes every day without hassle.  He doesn't seem to freak out when I reach for something that might be right next to his body.  He is almost completely socialized.

Well...that's the update for now.  I'll try to post more often.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Mind Of Their Own

Homer is trying to lick all his hair off. We took him to the vet and she feels that he is stressed.  The only new happening in the house is Amos changing his residence to the main part of the house. Now we have a cat with mental problems.  What next?

Cherry is developing a real attitude:

When exactly did we loose control here?  On second thought, did we ever really have control of these guys?

It seems everyone has an opinion to express:

I still need to get better pictures of Tanner, Cherry and Amos. Well....I need a better one of Sugar too. She has put on so much weight since we adopted her. Compare this picture with her new one and you'll see the difference.
She is almost too thin in this picture. Now she's a chub!

Bettter go for now...................
Good Night From Muttzncatz Place's

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Amos Is Free

Amos is in the main part of the house all the time now and his back room buddies aren't happy about it.  He is doing very well.  He still has fairly weak back legs but he is gaining strength each day.  I have a hunch that his time of not eating might have given him malnutrition if that is possible in cats.  He walks almost bowlegged in the back. He is loving the access to the catnip in all the toys. I have refilled them several times since he started coming out for the day and then became a permanent fixture in the main part of the house again.

Here's a new shot of Lamont.  He's such a pretty boy.  I only wish I could let him out of the back room too.  He sprays when in the main part of the house so he stays in the back room.  Tanner is his companion but does not spray EVER!  When I first started feeding Lamont outside he had just about torn his ear off scratching ear mites. We cured those and he just kept showing up so I let him in.

I took a new picture of Paddington too.  He seems a bit slimmer than when the first picture was taken.  Also he no longer has a circle around his face from licking the inside of the cans of cat food.  He can't have anything now but a food that keeps him from growing Kidney and Bladder stones.  He trys hard at feeding time to beat me to all the bowls from everyone elses food when they're finished.  Most times I win the race unless something distracts me.

The last picture for today is Tanner. He is blind in his right eye now.  He had a very hard life before coming to the house to beg for food.  He would show up with gashes and cuts everywhere on his body.  I finally said, "that's enough"!  A friend of mine in the neighborhood said she saw another cat beating him up and he hardly fought back.  That's probably why he is so afraid of everybody and everything.  He now has a cushy life and no need to beg for food.  He has a hypo-Thyroid problem but seems fine other than that.

So that's life this week.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Thursday, June 6, 2013

He'ssssssssssss Back

Damian appeared again.  I was kind of right. He has a new picture now.  I'm a bit concerned though.  He has two shaved spots on his front legs now.  I believe he has had a surgery.  Maybe he had a dental procedure?  It couldn't have been anything too serious because he was only off the radar for one day.

See the differenceHe looks like he's wearing super plush boots now.  His hair looks like it was brushed too.  They're still watching him closely because he is not in the little playroom with the other FIV+ cats. He's in a cage, in what they call meow manor.  I'm thinking he will probably go back to be with the other FIV+ kitties when he's completely recovered.  He seems to get along with them fairly well....in fact he even frequently slept with one of the cats.

Amos is out and about again today and found one of the catnip toys.  He almost rubbed all the hair off his face trying to get all the goodness out of the toy.  He seems to be very happy in the main part of the house.  Fina has a cardboard box that I cut a hole in so she could have a hideaway.  Unfortunately for Amos, he found the box and tried to get in.  Fina set the records straight immediately!  I have never heard her hiss quite so loudly.  He backed out without hesitation and moved on to find a very entertaining small tennis ball to bat around.  I think Fina is still guarding her clubhouse and that incident was about 3 1/2 hours ago. (She may be small but she's mighty!)

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Damian Has Disappeared

Damian is no longer in the front cattery at the Humane Society.  He hasn't been adopted either.  His picture has been taken down so I would imagine that they are going to take another photo of him (since the last one was in the cone.) He will look a bunch better now than he did then. The front cattery is now filled with kittens.  I would think they are much more fun to play with than older cats with FIV. Anyone wishing to play with the kittens click on this link:


Amos went to get his yearly shots today.  When we brought him home we let him out in the main part of the house instead of the back room where he usually lives.  He had a ball exploring the house again.  I had to put him back before the final feeding tonight because he eats the very rich food and I have to keep that stuff away from Paddy.  We can't have Paddy developing any kidney stones.  We had a very close call earlier this year and the crystals were disolved and now he is on a maintenance diet.

Amos will be coming out in the daytime now since I want him to develop some more muscle tissue.  He doesn't get enough activity in that back room.  I thought this might help him recover more fully.  Homer isn't too thrilled with Amos being out and about. Homer hid the whole time Amos was in the main part of the house. Strange, since Homer is twice as big as Amos is!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Sunday, June 2, 2013

I Just Knew It!

I thought I was done with this subject but it seems that the cat at the Humane Society IS Damien. My son came over Friday for his birthday dinner and I showed him the kitty cam at the Humane Society. He identified the white cat as Damien. So the Humane Society has lied to me again. I was told the white cat came to them from animal control and he didn't have a chip. Damien had a chip already when my son gave him to the Humane Society. Even though I was pretty sure the cat WAS Damien there was a small amount of doubt that made me feel not as bad. Now I'm back to feeling bad because I can't go and pick him up and bring him home with me. Being FIV+ he could infect my other cats. This whole situation has been so traumatic for me. I feel so bad for Damien. Life shouldn't be this hard for him! If I had an unlimited amount of money I would build another room off the house and go get him and another FIV+ cat to keep him company.

On another note..........Amos is gaining more strength every day. I went to the vets today and picked up more of that super rich (ad) prescription food for him. I took him with so he could get weighed. He gained a whole ounce according to his chart. I think someone messed up his weight last time because he was down to skin and bones ( I could feel his backbone). Now he has put on a bit more muscle so his backbone doesn't stick out as much. He's more active and more enthused when the food comes into the room too.

If anyone is in the Portland/Vancouver area you must try St. Francis 24 Hour Vet Hospital in Orchards. They are the best place to take any sick or injured animals. They even see small animals. They also are a boarding facility which is great if you have a special needs animal that might need extra care since there is a doctor onsite 24/7.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Monday, May 27, 2013

All White Cats Look Alike?

I went to the Humane Society on Saturday to see DamienI asked to be able to pet him.  I wanted to call his name and see if he would remember me.  The door was opened and he and a Snowshoe kitty were right there.  I called him "Damien" and he didn't seem to care about a name but wanted lots of pets.  I was told by the volunteer that he was brought in by Animal Control with another cat.  The owner surrendered him and the other cat because he ( the white one) needed his eye operated on.  They said he didn't have a microchip when he was admitted to the Humane Society.  My son's cat had a microchip.  Conclusion.....This must not be Damien.  But...even up close he looks exactly like him.  I'm not believing that there are two cats that look that much alike! If you have been around many cats you probably know also that they all have a different look.  They are like snowflakes...all different in some way.

The trip to the Humane Society did make me feel a bit better though.  Even though I couldn't possibly take him home because of the FIV+, at least there's a possibility that he isn't Damien.  Maybe Damien has a good home and is blooming where he's planted.  That thought makes me feel very at peace with life again.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Damien Update

Damien, in mid-yawn, looks longingly out the door of the cattery.  Here's the big finish...............
Today a volunteer came in and visited with the cats for a few minutes.  Damien, taking full advantage of the situation, hopped on her lap and got all the attention.

So that's the update on Damien for the day.

P.S.  I learned by search engine that FIV is curable now!!!!!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Saturday, May 18, 2013

I Do Not Have Cat Hair In My Eye!

On Friday I had to rush over to my eye doctor's office.  It seems I (according to the doctor) had something in my eye and it swelled up and turned super red.  Oh ya,  It also hurt like crazy.  He said it was probably a cat hair that came out after it caused the angry eye. I maintain the position that I think I would have felt it if I had a cat hair in my eye.  I can sure tell if I get an eyelash in one of my eyes.  I still think it was an eye infection.  I shouldn't say WAS because I'm still having pain from it as well as swelling.  I'm hoping tomorrow it will stop hurting.

I went into the Humane Society's web cam tonight to check on Damien.  He's  hiding in one of the cubes they have on the floor of the cattery. I'm happy he is sleeping soundly and not bullying any of the other cats into a fighting frenzy.  The Humane Society must have had a lot of people through there today. All the cats seem to be out cold.

All is well here at our house.  The cats are fine and the dogs are fine as well.  The bird watching isn't as exciting right now because it's been raining for a few days.  Paddy and Homer are doing their favorite rainy weather sport.  They wait until Fina gets up and then chase her until she goes back to bed again.  Poor Fina!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Damien: The Bully Needs A Home

Damien is still in the same area with other cats.  The Humane Society Has a web cam so I can watch him.
He's the only all white cat in the room.  Tonight I watched him try to irritate a black and white cat so he could start a fight.  Luckily the other cat walked away.

I can only hope that he finds a loving home with good people who will care for him until he's ready for that rainbow bridge. He hasn't had the best life so far.  He was brought from Tennessee to Oregon by a women with two kids who was fleeing a bad marriage. She hooked up with my son on the Internet and moved in......... cat, kids and all her worldly posessions. (all that could fit into a car, that is)  She wasn't here long and moved out one day while my son was at work........kids and all her worldly posessions.  Notice anything missing from that last list?  Yep.....the cat got left behind.  He lived with my son for 7 years (he was a kitten when he arrived here). 
He is very loving and doesn't mind a bath.  He plays fetch with some of his toys.  He's a bit of a pig when it comes to the food bowl however.  He has had a weight problem in the past.  He's currently 15.5 pounds so he gainned some of his weight back again.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Saga Of Damien

I usually keep an eye on the local Humane Society's website.  A few months ago my son took his cat to the humane society because he no longer wanted to care for him.  The Humane society was told that he could not be an outdoor cat because he bullies other animals and gets torn up in the process.  They didn't bother to tell the people who took him home any of this and now (I think) he's back in the Humane Society's care with chunks out of him.

This cat I believe to be the cat we took to the Humane Society a few months ago.  If it is him, this is the third time he has been stitched up from being outside.  They have him listed as FIV positive now.  He wasn't FIV positive when my son had him. I should have just taken him home with me instead of letting him go to the Humane Society in the first place. This is so upsetting to me.  I can't let my other cats get FIV too or I would go get him tomorrow.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Amos Is Still Strong

Amos took a turn last month and lost weight again. We were unable to get his Feline Immune Support pills any more.  The manufacturer told me they will be making the same formula in a chewable formula.  Ya right, a cat is going to willingly chew a pill!  Especially an older cantankerous one that can't smell much because he has a drippy nose anyway.  I bought out the rest they had on hand and a couple I found on Ebay too.  I have a years worth now. Amos is doing better, but it will take awhile for his weight to get back to where it was.   I must say between the special foods and the pills my kitchen looks like a vet's office.  Oh well.........we do what we can to make our geriatric children feel better.

I'm still trying to get everything together to start selling on Ebay.  There's a lot to learn before you jump into selling.  I tried it once before and didn't sell a thing.  This time I'm doing the research needed to see a profit.  My other blog about how to make money on the Internet is being worked on slowly also. It's sort of on hold so I can move forward with the Ebay project.  I'm anxious to start an Ebay store selling everything pet related after I get the auction selling part established.  I have to sell dog jammies!  My girls need more jammies!

The cats have been enjoying the warm weather we are having right now.  The windows are cracked open and they spend most of their time with their noses stuck to the window screens.  Many of the birds of Spring are showing up now.  Just in the past week I've seen Tanagers, Orioles, Red Winged Black birds, Steller's Jays, Grosbeaks and Nut Hatches.  The cats are loving all the noisy birds at the feeders.  Unfortunately the stray cats have noticed them too.  Most of the cats in the neighborhood think this is their well stocked Deli.

So.....stay tunned for more on the Ebay sales / Internet Money Blog info.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Monday, April 29, 2013

Get A Job?

I have decided that one of my sites should be dedicated to those that are trying to find a second, retirement, or a quit-my-job income. Many of us have spent so much money trying to find a way to make money on the Internet.  What were we thinking?

For every good thing that comes into our lives there's someone waiting in the wings to take it away.  Perhaps you have a refund on your taxes and you want to invest it wisely (you think) and start up an Internet business.  The Internet  has brought us knowledge, current events and a chance to improve ourselves with college courses or lessons in almost anything you can dream of.  It also, unfortunately, is laced with many predators that want to take what little money you have in your possession.

My intent is to weed out those leeches that tell you only X amount of money is needed and they will give up all their information.  You pay them the money and once you get into their member's only area you are expected to buy several more packages to improve or upgrade your chances.

It makes me sick that those that are being prayed upon are those that need their money the most. Have you lost your job?  Have your medical bills driven you to the brink of Bankruptcy? Are you ready to loose your home?  THESE PEOPLE DON'T CARE!  "Max out one more of your credit cards because I know you will make all your money plus some in the first month," they say.

I will be reviewing some of these programs and I will be telling you up front from a consumer, not an affiliates, view just how straight forward they really are.  The affiliate stands to make money from those that buy the program coming form the affiliates web page.  I know of several of these sites that try to tell you how excited they are about the new launch of xxxxxxxxx.xxx and how much they promise you can make per month.  I have a few of my own stories to tell and they aren't pretty!

Stay tuned and I'll give you a link to the review page when I get it up and running.

Good Day From Muttzncatz's Place

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

QT...TV..... And Jammies

Let's see...where was I when I last posted?  Oh, right......Quantum Touch.  To briefly explain quantum touch.....We're all energy releasing machines.  Everything on this earth gives off energy vibrations from the smallest particle to the largest object you can imagine.  Each one of us vibrates as well.  some more than others.  Quantum Touch is directing that energy toward someone who's body needs help healing for one reason or another.  It teaches you how to raise your energy and then to send it to someone who needs help healing.  Their body, in turn, does what it was meant to do and begins healing. This technique is becoming widely used for many ailments including mental issues.  The possibilities are endless!  I'm currently working on Amos. He has that issue with continual drainage from his right nostril.  I have six cats and two dogs to practice on and it can't hurt to try, right?

I took the above picture off the Internet. I thought you would get a chuckle out of it. 

Over the weekend we found a 55" projection TV on Freecycle.  (For those who don't know what freecycle is, it's a list that you can subscribe to that offers free things. You just have to go and pick them up.) I haven't even plugged it in yet because I'm still recovering from getting from a guy's basement to the pick-up and from the pick-up up the steps to the house (a total of thirteen steps).  My husband and I moved it ourselves and it wasn't easy.  I'm hoping I'll be able to hook it up tomorrow evening after dinner.

I'm working on opening a store on the Internet soon.  I will be selling electronics, vitamins, books and pet related items.  This is a time consuming project so be patient.  I'll share a link to the different areas when they're done.
Speaking of pets........I need to get another couple of pairs of jammies for Sugar and Cherry. At first I thought, awe......they are so cute!  Then I realized the jammies kept them from scratching and tearing up their skin from their allergies. (One has dry skin rash and the other we haven't determined what she is allergic to)  Now they get into their jammies every night and we all sleep better for it.

More to come soon!
Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Sunday, April 14, 2013

You're Getting Sleepy..................

I do believe that the readings I received were spot on.    Let me fill you in on what has been happening in my life.  Since I was here last I have become a certified hypnotist.  I am a past life regression therapist, also certified. I need to complete my advanced courses to become a full fledged hypnotherapist though.  I'm currently looking for a grant for around 5,000 dollars to complete my studies.

I have been studying Quantum healing and manifesting wonderful things into my life.  The more I learn about the human brain the more I understand what is truly possible for us to be and do.  We have been using so little of our brain on an every day basis.  I'll try to explain to you some of the finer points as I progress into my studies.  If you have ever heard of the expression,  "be careful what you wish for"?  It's true.  Painfully true.  Most of us wish into existence some horrible things because we have become so negative about everything.  Do you remember saying, " I sure hope ________ doesn't happen"?  You just put ______ into existence and it most likely will happen!
I can tell you from my experience on this road....it's hard to stop thinking that way but you must try to think more positive thoughts.  I've found that it's also hard to keep your temper in check when dealing with someone who breathes out negativity with every breath.

I have more things in the works also.  I'll be expanding on my explanation of manifesting, explaining Quantum healing and my new ventures.  I have started an online business' (soon to launch).

The cats are doing pretty well.The dogs are becoming even more like the divas we knew they could be.  You must never offer them a piece of toast WITH the crust still on it.  (don't we have maids that will remove nasty things like that from the bread?)  Also...... " since I'm not going to go to bed without it...YOU bend over and pick up my toy on your way to the bedroom!"  Then there's the typical...."There isn't a water bowl in the bedroom"?  "I'm going to sit here and stare at you until I get a drink of water."

So........I'll be back to tell you of my adventures into all sorts of wondrous things.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The War Rages On!

I'm over the worst of the cold now.  I'm happy it wasn't a chest cold or a sinus infection.  It seems everyone I've talked to has had this cold.  This is the shortest cold I've ever had. Usually they last for three to four weeks with a whole lot of coughing.  I think I had it for seven days.

I stole the picture above off the Internet.  I wanted to keep it forever  because I thought it was so cute. Now I can delete it from my computer. While I'm unloading pictures from my hard drive here's another favorite:

I think this dog looks like he/she loves her so much!

I have to get back to taking pictures again.  I need a new picture of Lamont without Victor, since Victor's not with us any longer.  I have a problem with my newest camera.  It doesn't do the job my old one did.  It's better in every way (they say) except for usability (I say).  It's a Fuji camera (my third one) and yet.....I can't get the quality of pictures I want from it. It must be me.

I think I mentioned that Paddy is on a prescription diet for life now.  He is eating it with no problem but he still tries to get a chomp of something from our plates at mealtime.  I had some leftover pepper steak yesterday for lunch and I was spacing-out watching TV when I realized the fork in my bowl was slowly moving up and down.  There he was, getting as much goodness out of that empty bowl as possible.  I grabbed him and put him on the floor and told him sternly, "NO"!  He just sat there cleaning his face.....like....I got more than you think, he,heI have been so careful since he went on this food.  I clean the dishes and cooking utensils immediately after I use them so he can't get a lick or a crumb of anything. I stay with the other animals when they're eating their Friskies canned food twice a day.  The free-feeding dry food is his prescription diet, not what they used to eat.
I will win am winning this war!!!!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Sunday, January 27, 2013

I'm Sick!

I know, I know......it's been awhile since I wrote last.  I now have a massive cold.  It doesn't matter that I take an antibacterial wipe and slather down my hands and the grocery cart..I still managed to get the crud that's going around.  I'm not even going into the restrooms while I'm out.  I guess if you're going to get it, nothing will get in the way.  At least my animals shouldn't get it.  The vet told me that it's pretty hard for them to get our bugs and vice-versa.

I'm still holding out for some snow here.  It's only the end of January so there's still time.  I would like to order a couple of feet but hold the ice.  If we get enough,  my son and I will build a wall with an archway in the front yard. (We have talked about this for a few years now)  Since I'm sixty-five now it would be nice if it could happen before my mobility gets to the walker stage.  I already use a cane on occasion so let's get with the program here!

Paddy's little crisis is over, I think.  He is now on c/d prescription diet for maintenance.  I am to feed him the rest of his dissolution food every so often too.  I'm hoping he doesn't make any new crystals in his bladder and that we have dissolved all the ones that were present a few weeks ago.  When we took him in for his re-check I asked the vet about our little Sugar. She has very greasy skin and itches constantly.  She pulls her hair out in clumps and gets all red and rashy.  He said that it could be a medical condition or an allergy.  I'm hoping for the allergy. He also said that one patient was tested for possible allergens and it turned out he was allergic to his humans.  A serum was developed and he takes shots daily for his allergy now.  I suppose this is going to be a long expensive process.  We do have them covered with pet insurance (the dogs) though.  That costs us over fifty dollars a month.  I wish we could cover the cats too.

There's no reason to look forward to Valentines Day.  I don't have a sweetheart...just a selfish, could care less husband. So...let's look forward to Easter. Easter means food and family. It's not a complicated meal and I get to see my son and his sweetheart.  That's a good thing. mmmmm and hot crossed buns...gotta love those!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Monday, January 14, 2013


My Fibromyalgia is kicking my butt, and has been for the last month.  I think it's mostly the cold weather we are having.  It's so hard to keep moving forward when every inch of your body hurts. This time both hands are affected. I try to grab something with either hand and let out a yelp of pain and drop whatever I am trying to hold onto.  It scares me to think, what am I going to be like in five, ten or fifteen years from now?  Will I even be able to get out of bed?  Pray for me, please!

Amos is starting to get very snuffly right now. I think he's getting an upper respiratory infection again. (He's the one that the vet feels might have a growth up his nostril and has constant drainage).  He's still eating and drinking just fine though.  Usually when he gets congested he can't smell the food and stops eating.  I think this weekend I'll have to take him to St. Francis 24 hour veterinary hospital in Orchards, WA.  They have the best vets there.  Dr. Baker, Dr. Stanhope, Dr. Martin and Dr. Tuason are so intelligent and really know what they are doing.  They all seem to care about your pets and are so helpful.  The most fun doctor is Polly Martin.  She is so sweet and down to earth. Dr. Stanhope reminds me of a genius.  He's not a very social person until you get to know him, but I would trust him to operate on my favorite pet without even giving it a second thought.  Dr. Tuason is new, but I think she is going to be very good once she gets rooted into the hospital.  What can I say about Dr. Baker?  He is the owner of the hospital, such a sweet person and an excellent doctor as well!

My Avon business is dying and I may be giving it up soon.  With the shipping and handling, cost of brochures and outlets it's costing me about thirty dollars a campaign.  I didn't get into this to give them my money but to make money.  I also have a customer who returns about 1/3 of what she buys.  These items must be returned to Avon on my dime. I have to then give her credit or replace her item with something of equal value.  Say she returns something she paid 19.99 for.  My cost for that item was 12.99 because I had a good campaign.  Two campaigns later I have a bad campaign and only get twenty percent off and she wants to order something for 24.99 and pay the extra 5.00.  In theory that sounds fine, right?  At 20%(my cost) that 24.99 item is $20.00 to me...they gave me 12.99 credit for the other item so I owe Avon $12.00 (7 dollars my money 5 dollars her money).  So I'm out seven dollars for her return on that one.  Then she returned a pair of slippers.  I have to send them back at around 10.00 postage.  I paid $7.99 for them and subtracted $9.99 off her next order.  I'm just going to have to stop this bleeding or I will have no more money.  I'm going to give it two more campaigns and then quit if the orders don't start coming in.

As depressing as it is.....that's the update from here.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Revenge is best served after letting it simmer for a year

Happy New Year everyone!  I have put away everything Christmas and I want to get into all the wonderful things that are going to happen this year.   I can guarantee that this year I will not work my butt of to make a good Christmas for my husband.   I'm tired of getting little or nothing in return.  I gathered his Christmas gifts all year long so he would have a super holiday.  He got the complete Mash (all 11 seasons)  and a smart phone with 600 minutes on it (pay as you go).  Guess what I got?  I got a grabber and a computer mouse.  I will have to re-think my position on Christmas where he is concerned. I think he will just do without this year.  He needs to know how it feels to have your spouse not care about you, your wishes or your feelings.

Got this off of Cat addicts web page.  I love all their pictures.

Paddy had to go to the vet just before New Years Eve. He has crystals in his urine and is now on a special diet which he hates.  He is doing much better but refuses to eat his wet food at all. He is chowing on his dry food though.  I have to watch my every move in the kitchen.  I can't leave any frying pans on the stove after frying something. They have to be washed out immediately.  I have to take up the regular Friskies wet food when I feed the other cats so he doesn't feast on the rich food.  I even have to make sure the plug in the sink isn't hiding any little morsels underneath for him to find.  He is very resourceful. He has a re-check on Friday afternoon.I think the doctor will be pleased with his progress.  At first we thought he might have to be operated on for stones but we lucked out,  Yea!!!!!  see.....already we are having a better year.

The cats got lots of good treats and toysSugar got a huge Lamb chop toy and Cherry got a squeaky bunny toy and they both got their Blue Dog Bakery cream sandwich cookies. Those cookies have glucosamine in them and help Cherry's joint problem (hip).  They both got beautiful sweaters given to them by Stacey, my son's girlfriend. They look so cute in them!  After Sugar has her bath again I'll put them on and take pictures for you.

I hope your New Year is off to a good start

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place