Friday, January 10, 2020

With A Heavy Heart......

Today we took Poppy back to the Feral Cat Coalition for a check up.  His missing eye was draining a liquid the color of light watery blood.  They took a look at him and said to watch it and if it gets worse to bring him back again.  On the way home we stopped at a local vet and got him a FIV test.  I wanted him to be able to leave the bathroom and be around the other animals.  The test came back positive.  My heart is broken.  Now I will either have to put him down or find someone willing to take an FIV positive cat.  I just don't know where to start.  I don't want to give up on him!  He needs a home with someone who will keep him in and watch him for any infection he might get.  I understand an FIV cat can live a pretty good life but has to be watched for any immune system problems that might come up.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

OK... I Know What This Sounds Like But.....

It's a new year and we're off with a running start.  December 31st we took a feral cat to the Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon to be neutered.  We have fed him  for almost a year outside and that was just fine until he showed up one day with a very angry right eye.  He always showed up with injuries but this one was worse. This was mid Summer and as time progressed his eye injury started to haze over and bulge.  It looked awful.  When we took him to Feral Cat Coalition they also took his eye.  We were referring to him as Popeye but since he is inside now we named him Poppy.  Kinda sounds the same...right?  I haven't discussed it with him yet but I'm sure he likes it better than Popeye.

This was before the extraction of the eye.

Moving right along.... here's a picture of Winnie

Now, I almost hate to explain the next part but here we go.....
I have been feeding two cats outside after Winnie came in.  There has been a beautiful fluffy white cat hanging out here also. She is very loving and seems to want to come in the door until she hears the dogs barking.  Today I scooped her up and brought her inside.  We are looking at very cold weather next week with the possibility of Snow.  I couldn't rest if I knew she was cold and wanting to come in.  So............Meet ?  Don't know.....  (Ida for I don't know)?? 

As soon as the weather improves I'm taking her in to see if she is chipped.    Ah yes..the cats of Hayden Island!
And yes,  I'm a big sucker when it comes to animals in need!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place