Thursday, August 15, 2019

Cherry Has Gone To The Rainbow Bridge

Cherry had a massive seizure yesterday afternoon. Before we got her to the vet she had another one.  She then had two more at the vet clinic.  She also had started into congestive Heart failure.  For months now she hasn't been herself.  We thought she might be going into dementia.  Her walking was difficult as well.  I had to take her down to the dog run and then bring her back up.
I couldn't stand to see her go through the seizures again.  She is now at rest.  We will miss her but I didn't want to keep her going just for selfish reasons.

She was a sweetheart and was full of energy all the time.
See you again some day Cherry Berry!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Sunday, August 4, 2019

We Squeezed Another One In !!

Our newest rescue is another Chihuahua mix.  Her name is Miss Kitty. 

My son and his girlfriend spoiled her so she is now known as Miss Kitty,
 Princess Royal of Porter

She is a sweetheart but definitely thinks she's all that.  She is fitting in very well and has tolerated the rest of the pack.  I get a kick out of her attitude sometimes though.  Before bed two dogs (Sugar and Cherry)  take meds with a small piece of processed cheese.  I give Kitty a piece and the way she chews it is like she can't stand the taste but she will eat it to keep the others from getting it.  When she first got here she wouldn't touch dog food.  They were giving her beef, turkey or chicken made fresh with some cheese and of course, it was served warm.  Peel me a grape, right?  She is now eating dog food.  We win! At least we won that tug of war.

That's it for tonight...sleep well all!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place