Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Mind Of Their Own

Homer is trying to lick all his hair off. We took him to the vet and she feels that he is stressed.  The only new happening in the house is Amos changing his residence to the main part of the house. Now we have a cat with mental problems.  What next?

Cherry is developing a real attitude:

When exactly did we loose control here?  On second thought, did we ever really have control of these guys?

It seems everyone has an opinion to express:

I still need to get better pictures of Tanner, Cherry and Amos. Well....I need a better one of Sugar too. She has put on so much weight since we adopted her. Compare this picture with her new one and you'll see the difference.
She is almost too thin in this picture. Now she's a chub!

Bettter go for now...................
Good Night From Muttzncatz Place's