Friday, August 5, 2016

Reverse The Letters And It Spells AND

I had my DNA done on  I'm a true Mutt.  I'm Irish AND Scottish AND German AND English AND Russian AND Polynesian.  The last two have me a bit puzzled.  I think I found the Russian ancestor (Viality Vortatz) in my Palmer group.  The Polynesian one?????

The animals are doing great.  I had a super idea.  Have you ever heard of a thunder shirt for dogs?  It calms them down during times of stress. NOW.....what if I put a thunder shirt on a cat that sprays?  We have two cats that spray.  Homer and Lamont.  We have them in the back bedroom (we call that room the cat room).  The products that are suggested for spraying cats are plug in scent bottles.  Most times they are filled with Lavender scent.  Calming for the animal.  So maybe a thunder shirt would work the same way?  I think it's worth a try.

Speaking of cat spray....I found an outstanding new product that does away with stains and smells on most surfaces.  It's called Furry Freshness and it works miracles!  It takes out stubborn stains like cat vomit, pee spots and generally most anything the animals leave as surprises for you to find.  Just Google the name and you'll find it, or go to

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Are You Still There???? we are in August and I haven't written anything since February was it?  The pup of course has been named.  I named him Doodle Pupnstuff (Dood). He will be a year old in a few days.  I'm hoping he will soon stop chewing on everything (including Sugar).  He gets behind her, grabs her back leg and tries to take off with it.  I have to give her credit, most of the time....she is very patient with him. I won't promise, but I will try to post a picture of the little scamp soon.

Two weeks ago I was trimming trees and bushes on our berm and caught my foot on a large root from a dead tree stump.  Down I went and when I sat up again I had a large lump on my wrist.  I was sure I broke my wrist.  Not so!  I broke my arm just before it gets to the wrist.  I'm now in a cast and tomorrow I have to get a new one because the swelling has finally gone down.  I am truly thankful that it was my left arm and not my right or for that matter, I'm relieved it didn't break my hip.  DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HARD IT IS TO DO EVERYTHING WITH ONE HAND?  I never realized how hard it would be with one arm out of commission.  Other than my toes this is my very first break.

Better get going for now.  I have to be at the doctors office by 11:00 AM tomorrow and as some of you know I'm usually not up until 10:30-11:00.  This should be interesting.  

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

No Room At The Inn!

I pretty well dropped out of life for a year.  I only did four posts last year.  I just wasn't myself until recently.  That Heart procedure took a huge chunk out of me...more so than I realized at first.  After my Ablation I still had AFib.  I went to the doctor and his nurse told me that sometimes you have to have up to three Ablations to solve the problem.  Before the operation the doctor told me he had a 98% success rate!  I thought...I can't loose.  The best laid plans, right?  I wasn't looking forward to another Ablation since I bit off a small chunk of my tongue during the last one. we are a year and almost a couple of months after the procedure and I finally have almost completely stopped having Heart flutters.  I believe part of the reason for that is because I took myself off  my omeprazole for my burning stomach.  I read in the warnings that you could have Heart flutters while using this medicine.  Must be true.

So.... the animals are doing well.  The dogs (Cherry and Sugar) just had their teeth cleaned.  Sugar had three extractions (top front) and Cherry still has all her choppers.  

Just a day ago we rescued another fur child.  My son's girlfriend's mother is in a retirement community I think it is, and a lady passed away that had a little dog.  Another lady took the "PUP" and kept it in her apartment. She rescued it from this other lady who didn't let it out but allowed it to do it's business on pee-pee pads in her apartment.  I hope I wrote that so you could understand the chain of events.  Anyway this little "guy" is another Chihuahua (deer-headed).  His name is Bandy, but since he is only 6 months old we are going to change his name.  I will post a picture of him sometime this week and you can all suggest a name that would fit him.

  Trust me when I say...Muttzncatz's Place IS FULL!!!!!! No vacancies!!!!!!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place