Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cherry's Hospital Experience

Our little Cherry had an operation on Saturday.  She was constantly getting bladder infections and it was found that she wasn't put together right in that area.  She had a nip and tuck and she won't be getting infections anymore.  She also had her teeth cleaned while she was under.  She came home that evening with a cone on her head to keep her from biting her stitches.  We found out that our mild mannered fur child had a temper.  She was still a bit out of it when we brought her home but I thought she should go potty before we settled her into her box.  I hooked her up to the leash and out we went.  She walked about a foot and put her head down ...the cone stopping her from going any further.  She stayed in that position for several seconds and then went about another foot, her cone catching on the ground again.  This process was repeated several times and then all of a sudden she jumped up and ran in large circles.  I had to reel in her leash to get her to stop.  She looked up at me and her eyes were wild looking.  She was angry and frustrated.  The next day she taught me that the cone will not be worn while going out to go potty!  She does just fine now that I learned my lesson.

She does well with her water and fairly well with her food.  I have to be careful when I give her a bite of something though because if she doesn't get it into her mouth right away it falls into the cone and ends up under her chin.  The cone is clear so she gets upset sometimes if she gets a piece of food stuck under it.  She thinks she can get to it but she can't.  Her stitches don't come out until April 9th so she will be wearing the cone for awhile.  She has learned to scoot on the carpet to itch her I have to watch her constantly.

Since we got our tax refunds back we can both get our dental work done.  I need a tooth pulled and my husband needs a crown.  Then I need some glasses.  It's been about three or four years since I had my eyes checked so it's time.

Goodnight from Muttzncatz's Place

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