Again, I am falling behind in my posting. Victor was back at the vet this week. He (of all things) has an infected tail. Whether it started with a flea bite or a cat bite, who knows. He's on liquid antibiotics and a topical as well.
He doesn't seem to mind the liquid but when I spray his tail with the topical he has a royal hissy fit. Well...I guess I should know his boundaries by now, right? Rule number one: The vicious feral cat will not be touched in any way by human hands.
It seems that Sugar has the same problem and is tearing her hair out in clumps. So.......tomorrow is vet day for a follow up on Victor and a new appointment for Sugar. It never ends! This is a slow path to being homeless.
If we don't find an extra income soon we will be out in the street.
If anyone wishes to contribute I have a Paypal account (Under the name Muttzncatz). Contact me for instructions. What am I saying? I can't even get anyone to sign up to follow my ramblings. I know somewhere out there is a person or two who would love to help with our vet bills.
Cherry just had surgery for a kidney stone. That was around $900.00 with all the ex-rays and overnight stays. Now she is on a special prescription food for the rest of her life.
Just the pet medicines alone that we get every month is enough to keep us broke. Victor is on a special liquid for his blood disorder and will be for the rest of his life. Amos is on an antibiotic because of the growth in his nose. He also takes an appetite stimulant and an immune support pill each day. Fina takes a special medicine to keep her from getting an upper respiratory infection due to her having only one nostril. Tanner now has Hypo Thyroid and will be on a daily pill. Homer has a constant problem with worms and has to be de-wormed about every other month. He also takes a Calming liquid to keep him from spraying. The flea treatments each month are almost $200.00. The dogs are on heartworm meds each month. I may have left off something, but I tried to give you a picture of what it's like. Our credit card is nearing extinction.
Well that's about it for tonight's rant
Good Night From Muttzncat's Place
He doesn't seem to mind the liquid but when I spray his tail with the topical he has a royal hissy fit. Well...I guess I should know his boundaries by now, right? Rule number one: The vicious feral cat will not be touched in any way by human hands.
It seems that Sugar has the same problem and is tearing her hair out in clumps. So.......tomorrow is vet day for a follow up on Victor and a new appointment for Sugar. It never ends! This is a slow path to being homeless.
If we don't find an extra income soon we will be out in the street.
If anyone wishes to contribute I have a Paypal account (Under the name Muttzncatz). Contact me for instructions. What am I saying? I can't even get anyone to sign up to follow my ramblings. I know somewhere out there is a person or two who would love to help with our vet bills.
Cherry just had surgery for a kidney stone. That was around $900.00 with all the ex-rays and overnight stays. Now she is on a special prescription food for the rest of her life.
Just the pet medicines alone that we get every month is enough to keep us broke. Victor is on a special liquid for his blood disorder and will be for the rest of his life. Amos is on an antibiotic because of the growth in his nose. He also takes an appetite stimulant and an immune support pill each day. Fina takes a special medicine to keep her from getting an upper respiratory infection due to her having only one nostril. Tanner now has Hypo Thyroid and will be on a daily pill. Homer has a constant problem with worms and has to be de-wormed about every other month. He also takes a Calming liquid to keep him from spraying. The flea treatments each month are almost $200.00. The dogs are on heartworm meds each month. I may have left off something, but I tried to give you a picture of what it's like. Our credit card is nearing extinction.
Well that's about it for tonight's rant
Good Night From Muttzncat's Place
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