Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bad News

My heart is breaking.  We have just found out that our little Hunter will not be with us much longer.  He has Lymphoma.  We have him on steroids currently but I'm told that he will only last about two or three months. The doctor said that he will just get weaker but not be in pain. I've had him since he was a kitten 18 or 19 years ago.  He's the only cat I've had that tries to talk.  He learned how to say "hello" and "my room".  He is also the only cat I've had that learned how to hug my neck when I pick him up. I will miss him so much but I know I will see him again someday.

Other wonderful news is that someone got my Discover card information and charged something online at  It was just under $25.00 but I'm sure that was not going to be the end of it.  I have since cancelled that card. Now I need to find out who got my information. I don't use my Discover card for everything...only certain places.  It had to have been either one of the vet offices or the heating /cooling company that just worked on our heat pump.  I'm just having such a wonderful weekend!  After the Discover Card fraud division makes it's report I will know more about what happened.

Our Health insurance went up $70.00 this year so we are paying over $500.00 a month for horrid coverage.  We have a $1500 deductible.  When we do our taxes we don't need to add our doctor bills up because we qualify for the medical deduction just because of the amount we pay for the actual insurance!

I'm tired of worrying about all this crap.  I'm going to bed and putting it in God's hands.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

1 comment:

  1. Im so sorry about Hunter. He will be missed for sure. At the rate things going. Who knows maybe Rapture happen's first and he gets sprung with us who are going = ) . I miss them guys. He always had a spot in my heart because of his hello. Its like Ming. I sure miss him. Him and his starry eye's of love when he looked at ugh. Them fur people sure got a way of getting into your heart and leaving prints that last a life time. <3
