Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Zoey's " Cone Of Shame"

Miss Zoey has been shaved but doesn't look that good.  She had such bad mats that the groomer cut her skin trying to get them off.  We were at the vets office so the doctor stitched her up.  I had her home for no more than a half hour when she started licking her chest until it was red and had zero hair on it. (This was not where she was stitched up)  I had a small collar in the back room so she's now wearing "The Cone Of Shame".  I put it on her and she stood straight up and fell over.  Next, she only walked backwards for almost 2 hours.  She still freaks out when I call her name unless she is facing me. She doesn't understand that she has to turn her body around, not her head to see me.  I made a big mistake this afternoon and tried her without the cone.  She immediately started licking her chest again.  There must be some razor burn there.
Here's her picture:

Looks happy doesn't she?

I'm happy to report that her Thyroid numbers are within a healthy range so now she just needs to gain some weight.  

I have opened the our bedroom to Zoey and Paddy.  Paddy is a major pain.  He tries to sleep on top of me whenever possible.  Maybe I should have waited until Winter to open the door.  It gets super hot with two dogs and two cats pressed up against or on top of you.  How can they stand it with their fur?????

Well that's it for now.....stay tuned for more

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

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