Good bye Paddy......then there was eight.
My Paddington was put down this afternoon. He had a massive growth and it must have ruptured. He stopped eating, drinking water and by the time we took him to the vet he was in a weakened state and was having trouble breathing. Bless his Heart he was trying very hard to keep going but I could not stand to see him suffer. I told him to go find Amos, Midge, Hunter, Victor and Ming and I would see him again one day. He was a love and we will miss him. He's the only one who told us every night it was food o'clock (5:00 PM).
The little stinker was always running through the house and playing. I loved to take him in circles with the laser pointer. That was his favorite toy.
He always found any left over bread and made sure he had his portion. I lost an antique bowl once because he needed to get the muffins on the floor where he could eat a bite out of each one in private. He loved spinach and was a star at doing the dishes before they went into the dishwasher.
Anyway....That's the sad news from our house.
Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place
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