I do believe that the readings I received were spot on. Let me fill you in on what has been happening in my life. Since I was here last I have become a certified hypnotist. I am a past life regression therapist, also certified. I need to complete my advanced courses to become a full fledged hypnotherapist though. I'm currently looking for a grant for around 5,000 dollars to complete my studies.
I have been studying Quantum healing and manifesting wonderful things into my life. The more I learn about the human brain the more I understand what is truly possible for us to be and do. We have been using so little of our brain on an every day basis. I'll try to explain to you some of the finer points as I progress into my studies. If you have ever heard of the expression, "be careful what you wish for"? It's true. Painfully true. Most of us wish into existence some horrible things because we have become so negative about everything. Do you remember saying, " I sure hope ________ doesn't happen"? You just put ______ into existence and itmost likely will happen!
I can tell you from my experience on this road....it's hard to stop thinking that way but you must try to think more positive thoughts. I've found that it's also hard to keep your temper in check when dealing with someone who breathes out negativity with every breath.
I have more things in the works also. I'll be expanding on my explanation of manifesting, explaining Quantum healing and my new ventures. I have started an online business' (soon to launch).
The cats are doing pretty well.The dogs are becoming even more like the divas we knew they could be. You must never offer them a piece of toast WITH the crust still on it. (don't we have maids that will remove nasty things like that from the bread?) Also...... " since I'm not going to go to bed without it...YOU bend over and pick up my toy on your way to the bedroom!" Then there's the typical...."There isn't a water bowl in the bedroom"? "I'm going to sit here and stare at you until I get a drink of water."
So........I'll be back to tell you of my adventures into all sorts of wondrous things.
Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place
I have been studying Quantum healing and manifesting wonderful things into my life. The more I learn about the human brain the more I understand what is truly possible for us to be and do. We have been using so little of our brain on an every day basis. I'll try to explain to you some of the finer points as I progress into my studies. If you have ever heard of the expression, "be careful what you wish for"? It's true. Painfully true. Most of us wish into existence some horrible things because we have become so negative about everything. Do you remember saying, " I sure hope ________ doesn't happen"? You just put ______ into existence and it
I can tell you from my experience on this road....it's hard to stop thinking that way but you must try to think more positive thoughts. I've found that it's also hard to keep your temper in check when dealing with someone who breathes out negativity with every breath.
I have more things in the works also. I'll be expanding on my explanation of manifesting, explaining Quantum healing and my new ventures. I have started an online business' (soon to launch).
The cats are doing pretty well.The dogs are becoming even more like the divas we knew they could be. You must never offer them a piece of toast WITH the crust still on it. (don't we have maids that will remove nasty things like that from the bread?) Also...... " since I'm not going to go to bed without it...YOU bend over and pick up my toy on your way to the bedroom!" Then there's the typical...."There isn't a water bowl in the bedroom"? "I'm going to sit here and stare at you until I get a drink of water."
So........I'll be back to tell you of my adventures into all sorts of wondrous things.
Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place
Well they are princesses. hahaha Never got to meet Sugar Bear but, Cherrier.She was the sweet little thing..lol.