Sunday, March 9, 2014

I Hate Springing Forward

I'm still walking around in a fog missing both Fina and Moosey.  Amos being gone shifted so much in the daily routine of the house.  I was spending so much time doing things for him that I didn't even realize how much time was take up.  I still watch the clock carefully for his feeding times (three times a day).  I would gladly do it all again if I could have him back.  

Now that we are on daylight savings time again the cats are thinking it's food O'Clock an hour before it actually IS food O'Clock.  I hate this time change.  When we "fall back" the cats think they are being rewarded by my feeding them an hour early.  I get to be the good guy then.  But now I'm a mean mom that's withholding food from them.

There's a little thing I picked up on the Internet I wanted to share with all you wonderful people that rescue stray animals.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

We Are Four Now

Amos was put down on Friday evening.  I don't feel that he was ready to go yet,  but I didn't want him to suffer any longer.  He was way too energetic and wanting to get out of his carrier at the vets. Sadly, we saw no improvement in the week we treated him with a steroid.  He had gained a whole pound because he could not eliminate his BMs.  I truly miss him as do the other four cats.  Paddy and Homer were spending time with him under the table where he slept most of the time.  They seemed displaced that night and wandered the house most of the evening.  Neither of them have gone back to sleep under the table.

I was thinking today of all the fur children we have had.  



The ones still here




The ones still with us


This list is only from the last fifteen years.  (This is since Ed and I have been together.)  The last of the kids that I had when we got together are now gone.  I had just taken in Amos when I got together with Ed.  Amos was about 6 weeks old.  

I THINK THAT'S ABOUT ENOUGH!  I want things to calm down and all the kids to be well.  I don't know how much more I can take.  Please pray for Muttzncatz's place!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The News Isn't Good

Sadly, I think Amos will be going away this weekend.  We took him to the vet last weekend and found he has a bad back and hips.  He is unable to walk so the doctor prescribed a steroid to take down the inflammation and provide him with less pain.  He is still unable to walk and now is having difficulties eliminating.  I wish there was a way to get him walking again.  I hate the thought of putting a cat down for a bad back.  He also isn't as old as my cats have been when we had to put them down.  I'm having a problem rationalizing this one.  I know it's a quality of life thing but I can't help thinking he might walk again with some sort of home therapy (exercise).

Cherry has her skin infection again so she's back on her meds.  Sugar has worms now so we need a drontal for her.  Look out St Francis 24 Hour Animal Hospital, we're coming soon!

As soon as I learn more I'll blog about it.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place