Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The War Rages On!

I'm over the worst of the cold now.  I'm happy it wasn't a chest cold or a sinus infection.  It seems everyone I've talked to has had this cold.  This is the shortest cold I've ever had. Usually they last for three to four weeks with a whole lot of coughing.  I think I had it for seven days.

I stole the picture above off the Internet.  I wanted to keep it forever  because I thought it was so cute. Now I can delete it from my computer. While I'm unloading pictures from my hard drive here's another favorite:

I think this dog looks like he/she loves her so much!

I have to get back to taking pictures again.  I need a new picture of Lamont without Victor, since Victor's not with us any longer.  I have a problem with my newest camera.  It doesn't do the job my old one did.  It's better in every way (they say) except for usability (I say).  It's a Fuji camera (my third one) and yet.....I can't get the quality of pictures I want from it. It must be me.

I think I mentioned that Paddy is on a prescription diet for life now.  He is eating it with no problem but he still tries to get a chomp of something from our plates at mealtime.  I had some leftover pepper steak yesterday for lunch and I was spacing-out watching TV when I realized the fork in my bowl was slowly moving up and down.  There he was, getting as much goodness out of that empty bowl as possible.  I grabbed him and put him on the floor and told him sternly, "NO"!  He just sat there cleaning his got more than you think, he,heI have been so careful since he went on this food.  I clean the dishes and cooking utensils immediately after I use them so he can't get a lick or a crumb of anything. I stay with the other animals when they're eating their Friskies canned food twice a day.  The free-feeding dry food is his prescription diet, not what they used to eat.
I will win am winning this war!!!!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Sunday, January 27, 2013

I'm Sick!

I know, I's been awhile since I wrote last.  I now have a massive cold.  It doesn't matter that I take an antibacterial wipe and slather down my hands and the grocery cart..I still managed to get the crud that's going around.  I'm not even going into the restrooms while I'm out.  I guess if you're going to get it, nothing will get in the way.  At least my animals shouldn't get it.  The vet told me that it's pretty hard for them to get our bugs and vice-versa.

I'm still holding out for some snow here.  It's only the end of January so there's still time.  I would like to order a couple of feet but hold the ice.  If we get enough,  my son and I will build a wall with an archway in the front yard. (We have talked about this for a few years now)  Since I'm sixty-five now it would be nice if it could happen before my mobility gets to the walker stage.  I already use a cane on occasion so let's get with the program here!

Paddy's little crisis is over, I think.  He is now on c/d prescription diet for maintenance.  I am to feed him the rest of his dissolution food every so often too.  I'm hoping he doesn't make any new crystals in his bladder and that we have dissolved all the ones that were present a few weeks ago.  When we took him in for his re-check I asked the vet about our little Sugar. She has very greasy skin and itches constantly.  She pulls her hair out in clumps and gets all red and rashy.  He said that it could be a medical condition or an allergy.  I'm hoping for the allergy. He also said that one patient was tested for possible allergens and it turned out he was allergic to his humans.  A serum was developed and he takes shots daily for his allergy now.  I suppose this is going to be a long expensive process.  We do have them covered with pet insurance (the dogs) though.  That costs us over fifty dollars a month.  I wish we could cover the cats too.

There's no reason to look forward to Valentines Day.  I don't have a sweetheart...just a selfish, could care less husband. So...let's look forward to Easter. Easter means food and family. It's not a complicated meal and I get to see my son and his sweetheart.  That's a good thing. mmmmm and hot crossed buns...gotta love those!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Monday, January 14, 2013


My Fibromyalgia is kicking my butt, and has been for the last month.  I think it's mostly the cold weather we are having.  It's so hard to keep moving forward when every inch of your body hurts. This time both hands are affected. I try to grab something with either hand and let out a yelp of pain and drop whatever I am trying to hold onto.  It scares me to think, what am I going to be like in five, ten or fifteen years from now?  Will I even be able to get out of bed?  Pray for me, please!

Amos is starting to get very snuffly right now. I think he's getting an upper respiratory infection again. (He's the one that the vet feels might have a growth up his nostril and has constant drainage).  He's still eating and drinking just fine though.  Usually when he gets congested he can't smell the food and stops eating.  I think this weekend I'll have to take him to St. Francis 24 hour veterinary hospital in Orchards, WA.  They have the best vets there.  Dr. Baker, Dr. Stanhope, Dr. Martin and Dr. Tuason are so intelligent and really know what they are doing.  They all seem to care about your pets and are so helpful.  The most fun doctor is Polly Martin.  She is so sweet and down to earth. Dr. Stanhope reminds me of a genius.  He's not a very social person until you get to know him, but I would trust him to operate on my favorite pet without even giving it a second thought.  Dr. Tuason is new, but I think she is going to be very good once she gets rooted into the hospital.  What can I say about Dr. Baker?  He is the owner of the hospital, such a sweet person and an excellent doctor as well!

My Avon business is dying and I may be giving it up soon.  With the shipping and handling, cost of brochures and outlets it's costing me about thirty dollars a campaign.  I didn't get into this to give them my money but to make money.  I also have a customer who returns about 1/3 of what she buys.  These items must be returned to Avon on my dime. I have to then give her credit or replace her item with something of equal value.  Say she returns something she paid 19.99 for.  My cost for that item was 12.99 because I had a good campaign.  Two campaigns later I have a bad campaign and only get twenty percent off and she wants to order something for 24.99 and pay the extra 5.00.  In theory that sounds fine, right?  At 20%(my cost) that 24.99 item is $20.00 to me...they gave me 12.99 credit for the other item so I owe Avon $12.00 (7 dollars my money 5 dollars her money).  So I'm out seven dollars for her return on that one.  Then she returned a pair of slippers.  I have to send them back at around 10.00 postage.  I paid $7.99 for them and subtracted $9.99 off her next order.  I'm just going to have to stop this bleeding or I will have no more money.  I'm going to give it two more campaigns and then quit if the orders don't start coming in.

As depressing as it is.....that's the update from here.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Revenge is best served after letting it simmer for a year

Happy New Year everyone!  I have put away everything Christmas and I want to get into all the wonderful things that are going to happen this year.   I can guarantee that this year I will not work my butt of to make a good Christmas for my husband.   I'm tired of getting little or nothing in return.  I gathered his Christmas gifts all year long so he would have a super holiday.  He got the complete Mash (all 11 seasons)  and a smart phone with 600 minutes on it (pay as you go).  Guess what I got?  I got a grabber and a computer mouse.  I will have to re-think my position on Christmas where he is concerned. I think he will just do without this year.  He needs to know how it feels to have your spouse not care about you, your wishes or your feelings.

Got this off of Cat addicts web page.  I love all their pictures.

Paddy had to go to the vet just before New Years Eve. He has crystals in his urine and is now on a special diet which he hates.  He is doing much better but refuses to eat his wet food at all. He is chowing on his dry food though.  I have to watch my every move in the kitchen.  I can't leave any frying pans on the stove after frying something. They have to be washed out immediately.  I have to take up the regular Friskies wet food when I feed the other cats so he doesn't feast on the rich food.  I even have to make sure the plug in the sink isn't hiding any little morsels underneath for him to find.  He is very resourceful. He has a re-check on Friday afternoon.I think the doctor will be pleased with his progress.  At first we thought he might have to be operated on for stones but we lucked out,  Yea!!!!!  see.....already we are having a better year.

The cats got lots of good treats and toysSugar got a huge Lamb chop toy and Cherry got a squeaky bunny toy and they both got their Blue Dog Bakery cream sandwich cookies. Those cookies have glucosamine in them and help Cherry's joint problem (hip).  They both got beautiful sweaters given to them by Stacey, my son's girlfriend. They look so cute in them!  After Sugar has her bath again I'll put them on and take pictures for you.

I hope your New Year is off to a good start

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place