Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Revenge is best served after letting it simmer for a year

Happy New Year everyone!  I have put away everything Christmas and I want to get into all the wonderful things that are going to happen this year.   I can guarantee that this year I will not work my butt of to make a good Christmas for my husband.   I'm tired of getting little or nothing in return.  I gathered his Christmas gifts all year long so he would have a super holiday.  He got the complete Mash (all 11 seasons)  and a smart phone with 600 minutes on it (pay as you go).  Guess what I got?  I got a grabber and a computer mouse.  I will have to re-think my position on Christmas where he is concerned. I think he will just do without this year.  He needs to know how it feels to have your spouse not care about you, your wishes or your feelings.

Got this off of Cat addicts web page.  I love all their pictures.

Paddy had to go to the vet just before New Years Eve. He has crystals in his urine and is now on a special diet which he hates.  He is doing much better but refuses to eat his wet food at all. He is chowing on his dry food though.  I have to watch my every move in the kitchen.  I can't leave any frying pans on the stove after frying something. They have to be washed out immediately.  I have to take up the regular Friskies wet food when I feed the other cats so he doesn't feast on the rich food.  I even have to make sure the plug in the sink isn't hiding any little morsels underneath for him to find.  He is very resourceful. He has a re-check on Friday afternoon.I think the doctor will be pleased with his progress.  At first we thought he might have to be operated on for stones but we lucked out,  Yea!!!!!  see.....already we are having a better year.

The cats got lots of good treats and toysSugar got a huge Lamb chop toy and Cherry got a squeaky bunny toy and they both got their Blue Dog Bakery cream sandwich cookies. Those cookies have glucosamine in them and help Cherry's joint problem (hip).  They both got beautiful sweaters given to them by Stacey, my son's girlfriend. They look so cute in them!  After Sugar has her bath again I'll put them on and take pictures for you.

I hope your New Year is off to a good start

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

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