Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The War Rages On!

I'm over the worst of the cold now.  I'm happy it wasn't a chest cold or a sinus infection.  It seems everyone I've talked to has had this cold.  This is the shortest cold I've ever had. Usually they last for three to four weeks with a whole lot of coughing.  I think I had it for seven days.

I stole the picture above off the Internet.  I wanted to keep it forever  because I thought it was so cute. Now I can delete it from my computer. While I'm unloading pictures from my hard drive here's another favorite:

I think this dog looks like he/she loves her so much!

I have to get back to taking pictures again.  I need a new picture of Lamont without Victor, since Victor's not with us any longer.  I have a problem with my newest camera.  It doesn't do the job my old one did.  It's better in every way (they say) except for usability (I say).  It's a Fuji camera (my third one) and yet.....I can't get the quality of pictures I want from it. It must be me.

I think I mentioned that Paddy is on a prescription diet for life now.  He is eating it with no problem but he still tries to get a chomp of something from our plates at mealtime.  I had some leftover pepper steak yesterday for lunch and I was spacing-out watching TV when I realized the fork in my bowl was slowly moving up and down.  There he was, getting as much goodness out of that empty bowl as possible.  I grabbed him and put him on the floor and told him sternly, "NO"!  He just sat there cleaning his got more than you think, he,heI have been so careful since he went on this food.  I clean the dishes and cooking utensils immediately after I use them so he can't get a lick or a crumb of anything. I stay with the other animals when they're eating their Friskies canned food twice a day.  The free-feeding dry food is his prescription diet, not what they used to eat.
I will win am winning this war!!!!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

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