Sunday, January 27, 2013

I'm Sick!

I know, I's been awhile since I wrote last.  I now have a massive cold.  It doesn't matter that I take an antibacterial wipe and slather down my hands and the grocery cart..I still managed to get the crud that's going around.  I'm not even going into the restrooms while I'm out.  I guess if you're going to get it, nothing will get in the way.  At least my animals shouldn't get it.  The vet told me that it's pretty hard for them to get our bugs and vice-versa.

I'm still holding out for some snow here.  It's only the end of January so there's still time.  I would like to order a couple of feet but hold the ice.  If we get enough,  my son and I will build a wall with an archway in the front yard. (We have talked about this for a few years now)  Since I'm sixty-five now it would be nice if it could happen before my mobility gets to the walker stage.  I already use a cane on occasion so let's get with the program here!

Paddy's little crisis is over, I think.  He is now on c/d prescription diet for maintenance.  I am to feed him the rest of his dissolution food every so often too.  I'm hoping he doesn't make any new crystals in his bladder and that we have dissolved all the ones that were present a few weeks ago.  When we took him in for his re-check I asked the vet about our little Sugar. She has very greasy skin and itches constantly.  She pulls her hair out in clumps and gets all red and rashy.  He said that it could be a medical condition or an allergy.  I'm hoping for the allergy. He also said that one patient was tested for possible allergens and it turned out he was allergic to his humans.  A serum was developed and he takes shots daily for his allergy now.  I suppose this is going to be a long expensive process.  We do have them covered with pet insurance (the dogs) though.  That costs us over fifty dollars a month.  I wish we could cover the cats too.

There's no reason to look forward to Valentines Day.  I don't have a sweetheart...just a selfish, could care less husband. So...let's look forward to Easter. Easter means food and family. It's not a complicated meal and I get to see my son and his sweetheart.  That's a good thing. mmmmm and hot crossed buns...gotta love those!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

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