Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'm so tired tonight

Sometimes my Fibromyalgia gets in the way of life. I try sooo hard to be positive and keep going but at times it's almost impossible. After dinner is over I just sit there. I can't seem to get up and do the dishes or fold the clothes or for that matter keep my eyes open. I want so badly to be filled with energy and an exuberance for life again. I'm beginning to think that this is the way it will be the rest of my life. Maybe I need to bite the bullet and go to the doctor and get meds for this horrid disease.
I need to start beading some earrings to take to the shop that takes my stuff on consignment. I believe that the woman that owns the shop is cheating me. She was going to put my stuff on Ebay and Etsy and they have never appeared there. In November she sold some items and I didn't get paid until the following month. Therefore....if some of my items are gone she had better pay me then and there or I'm pulling whatever I still have in the shop.
It's almost time to start working in the yard. I'm not looking forward to sitting on the ground and weeding or trimming back all the shrubs and roses.
I'm making myself even more tired *yawn*

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