You will all be happy to hear that in a moment of weakness I bought a new digital camera last night while watching one of the shopping channels. It's twice as good as my old one which means you will be seeing more and better quality pictures here on my blog. I'm very excited about it and can hardly wait for it to get here. The kitties will be blinded from all the flashes going off in their little furry faces. Oh, it also has a red eye remover built in. No more red eyed devil looking precious children.
Today was flea treatment day. All my fur kids got treated with their Frontline Plus doses this afternoon. The only one that is almost impossible to dose is Tanner. Today I got lucky and he ran into a cardboard box I had on the floor for their enjoyment. I threw a large terry towel over him and pulled him out of the box. I put the treatment on his neck, he peed on the towel, the box, the rug and that was it. Well you have to understand by comparison this was easy. We use to have to chase him all over the house and when we got too close he peed. That meant that there would be several spots of urine all over the house. We would take kleenex tissues and mark the spots like penalty flags at a football game as we took off after him each time. So one large spot on the rug, towel and box....a piece of cake! That was just a little green machine (carpet cleaner), throw out the cardboard box and and throw the towel in the washer. I love it when a plan comes together, don't you?
I don't suppose that any of you would like to sign up to follow my blog? I would feel so much better knowing I wasn't doing this for nothing. Please consider signing up so you can comment and interact with me. I think being able to have someone tell me what they want me to write about once in a while would be wonderful too.
Have a pleasant tomorrow
Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place
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