Monday, August 13, 2012

Corpse Plant

This is why it's called a Corpse Plant.  Yuck!

Well, there's the final picture of the mystery plant under the deck steps It's unbelievable that it starts out looking almost transparent and ends up coal black, isn't it?

I can't remember if I mentioned that Tanner is now in the back room with Amos, Hunter, Victor and Lamont.  I needed him to be more confined so I could start treating his eye infection again.  The infection has gotten worse and needs some attention. I have the meds but didn't have an easy way to catch him.  I realize he will probably still pee on whatever he is sitting on but at least I won't have to chase him.  Since putting him in the back, Homer has almost completely stopped spraying.  It's been wonderful!

I do miss having all the cats sitting in front of the sliding glass door watching the birds and squirrels though.  Paddy and Fina don't really care so only Homer watches them.  He runs between the slider and the back in the laundry room.  We are going to have a new slider installed hopefully before the end of August.  Ours has lost it's gas and it is now hard to see out of.  I saved enough out of our tax return this year to get it replaced.  We have five windows that have also lost their gas.  I'm going to call a glass place and see if they can just replace the double paned glass instead of replacing the whole window.

We're getting ready for a heatwave again this week.  It was 93 degrees today and we are heading for triple digits by Wednesday and beyond.  I'll have to water my potted plants twice a day and everything else at least once a day.  I hate watering more than ironing.( Not that I iron much anymore)

Better go make my husbands breakfast and lunch....

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

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