Saturday, August 11, 2012

Quick Update Without Indian Pipe Pictures

When I wrote last I forgot to mention that the car was repaired.  We had to take it to a Chevy dealer to have the computer updated.  What a racket, right?  Well I'm back on the road again, more in debt than ever.  My poor Discover card is really taking a hit lately.  I understand that some of those people who beg beside the on ramps to the freeways make a lot of money.......hmmmmmm

Tomorrow is get supplies at the vet day.  We are out of Cherry's special diet food and we need flea treatments for all the cats.  It's supposed to be around  88 degrees tomorrow with no air conditioner in the car.  At least our air works at the house.

The cats are doing fairly well for a change.  Victor and Amos are eating well which means they are a bit healthier than they were before.  I don't know if any of you have heard about Quantum Touch but I have started to use it on the cats and they are responding to it well.  It's a long story but I have evidence that it works.  My goal is to keep them out of the vet's office as long as I can other than for a yearly checkup.

I will soon be listing our gemstones on Ebay for sale. It's time to get rid of some of them.  I thought we would sell them fairly cheap and make it up in quantity.  I will also be listing a variety of other stuff I want to get rid of.  I have so many things that I no longer need.  Start looking for "Muttzncatz" on Ebay in about a month.

I thought this was right on.  Sometimes I feel like that with my Fibro.  I wish they would find a cure for this horrid disease.  There are so many facets of Fibro.  Every time I get a new symptom I go to one of the Fibro sites and start looking for that symptom.  Usually I find it there and then I don't feel like I'm suffering alone.  Enough whining.

I will try to get another picture of the Indian Pipe before I post next time.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

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