Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Stars Are Brighter

Well........I can hardly believe it,  but I think something big is coming.  I was very doubtful about the last reading that was sent to me.  I just had another one done by a different psychic, numerologist, astrologer.  It says almost the same thing as the last one.  I am in total shock.  If what I am seeing is true my life will never be the same again.  Including in my relationship arena.  My luck is going to be fantastic and unstoppable.  It even mentions a person close to me who will try to undermine all of this. That was written into both reports also.

The first report, after reading her offer for continued guidance, is mostly a newsletter delivered to my e-mail address once a month for a hefty price.  No thank you, I'll find my way through the maze by myself.  Besides.....I don't see how anyone could do a specific reading for each person every month.  It almost has to be a form letter with your name inserted in all the right places.

I'm believing in a miracle and that my time of treading water is almost done.
After all....there's only one way to go from where I am now, and that's up.   Be happy for me and pray along with me for my life to turn into happiness.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Adrift Under The Stars

Still nothing on the star front.  I do understand that it could happen before or after the 16th but I can't help but be excited for something to happen.  I hope it completely changes my life for the best.  Winning the lottery would be good or a rich relative passing away that I never knew I had.  Whatever it is, I wish it would hurry.

Everyone is still in fairly good health.  I painted the cat room this last weekend.  Moosey has a habit of snotting all over the nice white walls.  He can't help it because he has a discharge from his right nostril.  It was time to make the room look fresh and clean again.

The flea problem is almost completely controlled now also.  It has taken a bunch of work to stop those creepy crawlers.  The only two animals still showing signs of being bothered by the fleas are Sugar and Fina.  They both seem to have an allergy to them.  Fina seems to be worse.  Her little body has scabs from her tail to her mid section.  We have prescription spray I apply to her hot spots and they seem to be getting better.

I have to get back to my knitting so that's my update for now.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Sunday, November 4, 2012

My Stars!

Just recently I had a Astrological /psychic reading done.  The psychic said I was ready to go into an incredibly lucky time in my life.  This should start as of the sixteenth of November and continue for 77 days. It is to be life changing.  I can hardly wait to see what's coming.  Most anything is better than the dream I'm living now.  Gee......maybe I'll win a bunch of money and be able to afford super good care for the cats and still pay off all my bills.  It's nice to have a dream to believe in once in a while, isn't it? I do feel like something is coming but I can't determine what it is.  Last time I got that feeling I won a whole $100.00 from Publishers Clearing House.

Recently I had a health scare.  I had my Mammogram and they found some spots on one breast.  I went for the second appointment and the doctor feels that the spots are only calcification but I have to go back in six months to be sure.  Better safe than sorry.  So at least that's not going to be of an significance to my overall feeling of something big coming.

My birthday is rapidly approaching and I have been very good to myself this year.  I bought a weather station, a Fitzroy weather glass, a couple of turtlenecks and the new "Ahh" bra three pack.  I tend to over spend this time of year because I never get Birthday or Christmas gifts from anyone.  I give them but don't get them.  Someone has to pamper me..so I do the job.

We are actually able to stay away from the vet for over a week now.  I still have to order special compounded medications for Homer and antibiotics for Moosey, but they are all staying fairly healthy.  The flea medications are enough to put us in the poor house though.  I bought a round of Frontline Plus for all the kids and it cost us $140.00.

Stay tunned to see what major developments occurr in my life from the 16th on!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Saturday, November 3, 2012

All is Well

Homer rests on the ledge above the kitchen cabinets watching everyone getting ready for dinner.  He finds it comforting to sit there and listen to the ticking of the second hand on the blue clock.  In taking this picture I noticed there is a cobweb on the ceiling and a bird is missing from the nest on top of the birdhouse. The cobweb I can fix, but who knows where the bird is?  hmmm,  I wonder if Homer had anything to do with that?

Lamont and Tanner have formed a tight bond since the passing of Hunter and Victor.  I've noticed that once in a while they even go sleep with Moosey.  Everyone in the room seems to be eating like pigs and are happy and well adjusted.  It amazes me that they are so resilient.  I guess they knew it was time for Victor and Hunter to leave them.

We're getting ready for Thanksgiving now.  I'm always very thankful when I make it through another one, having been able to get the Turkey dinner on the table with all the trimmings.  I don't make such a fuss over the dinner like I used to.  For years I made everything from scratch. I'm old now and don't have the energy or the time.  It takes me twice as long to do anything these days....that is if I can remember to do whatever it is.  I can blame the bad memory on my Fibro fog, right?

I found this on Facebook:

And that's how it is here, November 2, 2012.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place