Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentines Day Is For Lovers

Valentines Day is for lovers cats.  Well, some cats. Like our gay guys (Hunter & Moosey and Victor & Lamont)  Victor follows Lamont around like a lost puppy.  You rarely see Lamont without a snuggled up Victor by his side.  Hunter and Moosey have lived in the back bedroom for years together so they developed a close relationship in a lover sort of way too.  All of our cats have been spayed and neutered so we maintain a zero population growth.  That is, unless we bring one in from outside who needs rescuing.  With ten cats..... we have reached our maximum once again.  So, sadly, there is no vacancy here.
Something I have always thought to be strange is when we are full there are NO cats trying to get in.  When we loose one or two cats suddenly there's a stray or two wanting to be fed and let inside.  How do they know that there is a vacancy?  Do they communicate with our cats? Do they, in fact, network with each other on the street? Do they make a mark somewhere on our property to show we are once again taking in orphans?

Of course, once they come in they don't go back outside.
(Muttzncatz's Place house rules) 

Goodnight from Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


The Kitties blew it!  They all had a good time having treats and catnip though.  Midgey swung at any cats that got too close to her, (Nasty drunk)
while Homer, Paddy and Lamont flew around the house like they were Tarzan.
Ming ate his catnip and went to bed in his basket. Fina, Victor and Tanner slept through the whole thing in their various favorite spots.  When they woke up they were covered with a fine coating of catnip which made them very popular with the other cats.  The cats in the back room (Hunter and Moosey) had catnip and slept soundly all evening.

Today was a sunny and crisp day in Portland.  That meant that the South side of the house was littered with lumps of fur in squares of sunlight a good portion of the day. You didn't need a sundial to know what time it just had to watch the cats moving slowly from East to West in the living room following the shafts of sunlight.

Well....maybe next Superbowl the cats will do better on their predictions?

Goodnight from Muttzncatz's Place

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Muttzncatz's Place/The Super Bowl Party

Today we went to the grocery store and got the makings for hamburgers.  I'm making potato salad tonight and we are having baked beans, potato chips and assorted crackers and cheese for snacks.  We got three bags of Whiskas cat treats and I'll bring out the wacky weed tomorrow.  The cats get so excited when they see the glass bottle of catnip (looks like a wine bottle and has a black cat on the label.  It says "Chat Noir"). I'm afraid they'll knock it on the floor and break it.  The excitement builds!

Maybe a pineapple upside down cake for desert?  It's either that or a dump cake.  If you people would comment occasionally I could ask which sounds the best to you ?  Alas....I have no one to help with some decisions.*Sniff* 

Homer is doing his part to help with the cleaning for the event.  He has dug under every appliance in the house and has brought out huge furry dust bunnies.  It's always after I have swept and mopped the floor though.  He's only looking for his little catnip mice but he thinks he has me fooled.  He'll stand there looking up at me with a very proud expression on his little face and a large dust bunny caught in the claws of his right foot.  Yes, he's right pawed.  Haven't you noticed that they are either right or left pawed?  Seriously.....just watch a couple of your pets.  Since we have 10 cats I have a good group for a test.  If I remember correctly, I have two cats that are lefties. I'll have to check again to see which ones they are.

Have to go make some hard boiled eggs for the potato salad................

Goodnight from Muttzncatz's Place

Friday, February 4, 2011

Who Do You Like For The Superbowl?

The cat's like the Steelers.  GO STEELERS!  Don't ask how we arrived at their pick,  just trust me.  Now I suppose they expect a Superbowl party with all the kitty treats and wacky weed too.  I have some pretty mean cats when they get high on catnip.  Midge and Paddy get really nasty.  I guess it's just like people who have different reactions to drugs and alcohol.  Midgey swings at all the other cats if they get too close to her and Paddy tries to steal the other kids  piles of wacky weed. 

I took some pictures this morning of the feeding ritual.  I'll post them soon so you can see the shifting from bowl to bowl that they do.  Ming got about three bowlfuls today.  There was a waiting line for the dry food bowls afterward.. so more than one cat got cheated out of their canned breakfast.  I run three bowls in the main part of the house so there's normally no waiting.

Tomorrow is shopping day.  High on my list are three packages of kitty treats.  You can't have a kitty Superbowl party without treats, can you?

Goodnight from Muttzncatz's Place

Surveillance Cameras Are A Must!

I think I should install cameras in every corner of this house.  Something is going on at night.  In the main part of the house we have eight cats.  In a separate room we have two more.  When I get up in the morning (our room is closed off to the pets) I enter the main part of the house.  The place looks like they've invited all the neighborhood cats over for a wild party while Cherry and I were sleeping.  It takes me a good half hour to pick up all the stuff from the floor that they have tossed off the counters and table.  It's not just some things that have been carelessly left out either.  Homer pulls pens and pencils out of a container on the kitchen counter. Then there are the cling-ons from the potty box that have been left here and there. After that I scoop up all the hairballs that have been deposited on the rug and get the rug shampooer out.  I put the tablecloth back on the table and then everything that was on the table when I went to bed (If I can find it all). Ya know.....while I'm doing all this they all watch me and not one of them even looks guilty.

When I've put the house back together again it's time to feed the cats.(otherwise known as slopping the hogs)  Two small cans of Friskies later....all the cats are playing musical dishes.  Why is it that someone Else's dish tastes better than their own? This game takes another 20 minutes until all the bowls are completely empty.  I'm never quite sure who ate what but everyone seems happy after breakfast so......what's the harm?  Next it's a quick spit bath and then off to find a warm spot to nap in.  What a life, right?

Goodnight from Muttzncatz's Place

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pet Porters Are The Best!

In April of last year we purchased a Pet Porter Jr. online.  The second time we used it my husband reached into the car and lifted it out.  I was ahead of him and almost to the door of the vet clinic when I heard a thud.  I turned around and the carrier was sitting on the ground and the handle was still in his hand.  I called the pet porter people and they immediately sent out not one, but two handles.  They were concerned that the cat was OK after the fall also.  I was so impressed!  These days there is no such thing as customer service so it was refreshing to encounter a business that cares.  Unfortunately the cat that dropped to the cement was one of our super feral ones (Victor).  I would imagine that it stressed him out majorly (it was hard to tell since the trip to the vet made him crazy anyway).

Since we have several cats, I have made their medicine times at 11:00 AM and 11:00 PM.  It's much easier to medicate all of the ailing and elderly ones at the same time.  The older ones have pillboxes with the days of the week on them.  If I'm late with their meds Mingy comes and gets me.  You see...they also get a treat after they take their meds.  Since Cherry was on meds for the last two weeks she has been getting a couple of her graham goldfishes after.

Good night from Muttzncatz's Place