The Kitties blew it! They all had a good time having treats and catnip though. Midgey swung at any cats that got too close to her, (Nasty drunk)
while Homer, Paddy and Lamont flew around the house like they were Tarzan.
Ming ate his catnip and went to bed in his basket. Fina, Victor and Tanner slept through the whole thing in their various favorite spots. When they woke up they were covered with a fine coating of catnip which made them very popular with the other cats. The cats in the back room (Hunter and Moosey) had catnip and slept soundly all evening.
Today was a sunny and crisp day in Portland. That meant that the South side of the house was littered with lumps of fur in squares of sunlight a good portion of the day. You didn't need a sundial to know what time it just had to watch the cats moving slowly from East to West in the living room following the shafts of sunlight.
Well....maybe next Superbowl the cats will do better on their predictions?
Goodnight from Muttzncatz's Place
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