Moosey takes an immune system boost pill (half in the morning and half at night). This morning he shifted or I shifted and he got my finger in four places. I'm truly hoping I don't have to go to urgent care for an infection. I got bitten last February and had to get antibiotics before the infections got too bad. He is usually so good about being pilled. Maybe it was me. Since so many of the cats are older I give quit a bit of meds each day.
Tomorrow we get our Christmas tree. I usually put up a fake one but I'm just too tired to stick all the limbs in and then spread them out artfully. Besides that, I need to see if Homer is going to try to climb it before I put on my good ornaments. Last year was so much fun. I never did put on the ornaments. He kept climbing into it and falling asleep up high in the branches. I had a lovely tree with beautiful lights and that was it. I'm hoping he has outgrown his adventurous side?
Wish me luck everyone!
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