Saturday, December 31, 2011

Victor is in the Hospital

Our little Victor has been in the hospital since yesterday night.  Awhile (two weeks) back he had to have a shot for his gums that get inflamed constantly because his system has turned on the enamel on his teeth.  We had all but maybe two to four teeth removed but he still gets the inflammation.  That means that every six weeks or so he needs an anti-inflammatory shot.  He use to yowl and run away from his food when it started to hurt him.  This time he didn't...he just quit eating only I didn't know that.  By the time I realized he wasn't eating he had lost a substantial amount of weight.  He got his shot and started eating until he caught an upper respiratory infection and stopped eating again.  This one I figured out immediately but his system was already compromised from not eating for so long the first time.  Off we went to the 24 hour animal hospital.  He is slowly mending and should be able to go home tomorrow.  Lamont, being his best buddy, has been miserable without him.  Every time I go into their room he looks at me like, where's my Victor?  I told him to pray hard that Victor gets well because the first night we didn't know if he would even make it.  He must have prayed because the doctor (who was surprised at the partial recovery) said Victor is doing much better.

Fina is blissfully happy since Christmas eve.  She is wearing her bling for all to see.  I held her up to the mirror so she could appreciate her necklace.  It sparkles with all the crystals that are in it.
The next shot is Fina in mid lick..............

It looks like she is sticking her tongue out at me.  Who knows...maybe she is?

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Christmas Squeeze

Since I overloaded everyone with all the pictures yesterday.....a non pictured entry will be a shock to the system.  Sorry.  The presents are wrapped and are hidden in the computer room, safely away from the claw-footed furballs with destruction on their minds.  I still have to get stocking stuffers and the 3M double sided tape to hang the stockings.  That will be on Friday when we go grocery shopping.  Tomorrow I have to make the corn pudding.  I'm splitting the recipe and freezing half of it for another meal.  There will only be four of us for Christmas eve dinner so a whole recipe is just too much. The recipe for corn pudding is on one of my posts in this blog.  Oh, here it is....

Is anyone else's Christmas card list getting smaller?  It seems like every year you send out cards and only get about two-thirds the amount back.  I usually send out around twenty cards.  So far this year I have gotten nine cards.  There's always the one or two that you didn't expect to get a card from too.  You grab a card, write a greeting on it and hurry to put it in the mail so it will get there by Christmas (like you planned to send them one).

The cats are beginning to look at the tree like it is something they need to climb.  I caught Tanner sitting on the table under the tree staring up into the center of it.  I immediately squirted him with water and told him NO!  He's so hefty...I'm not sure he could actually get his rear end off the table and into the tree.  Although, I will say, he has lost some tonnage in the last year.  I'm going to take new pictures of the cats and post them on the blog sometime after the first of the year (as requested by Nancy).

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Snowman Convention

Here are the pictures I promised earlier.

The last picture is of Homer.  He didn't quite make it under the tree before he fell asleep.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Monday, December 19, 2011

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

It's so close to Christmas now I can almost smell it.  I guess we can forget about having a white Christmas this year.  We're having one of the driest Decembers on record since (I think they said)1878.  The weatherman said tonight that January through March would be colder and wetter than normal.  Well....I can always hope for the white stuff.  I'm getting out the hot chocolate just in case.

Tomorrow we're heading out to K-Mart to look for stocking stuffers for each other.  I'm not real pleased with what they carry at our local Fred Meyer (Kroger) store.  There's nothing worse than getting travel size crap in your stocking that you'll never use.  I have all the cats and dogs stocking stuffers.  I need to pick up double sided 3M stickers for the hooks to hang them on the mantel.  I've now reached that time of the holidays that I want it to be over.  I think you get so buried in details that you stop appreciating the magic and reason for the season.

On my walk with Sugar this morning We did a walk around our neighbors house because she is in South Africa until March.  I thought I heard someone trying to get in there last night.  I was looking at her doors and windows and didn't see a big lump of higher grass covered dirt.  Down I went.  Now I'm extremely sore on my left side.  With Fibromyalgia once you have pain your nerves keep it going.  I'm going to take a pain pill tonight and should be OK in the morning.

So what kind of traditions do you observe on Christmas?

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Little Tree Many Ornaments

The tree is done.  Here it is.......
To the left under the tree there is a white splotch.  It's kind of hard to see but on the top of the tree there is a snowman and he's holding a snowflake that splotch under the tree......that's Fina making herself comfy and waiting for Santa to bring her bling and lots of happy grass.  If I lifted the table cloth up you would see three other kids...Paddy, Tanner and Homer.  Tomorrow or the next day I'll try to get a better picture of the area.

Victor went to St Francis 24 hour vet hospital yesterday for his anti- inflammatory shot.  So far he still won't eat.  He's the one with almost all of his teeth extracted because he was allergic to his own enamel. His gums get swollen and red still so we have to get him a shot about every six to eight weeks.

Now I have to hang the stockings on the mantle after I put Sugar's name on one.  That's all I'm going to do this year.  It's a snowman year...very few, if any, Santas were brought out.  I still have to put out my air-blown snowman in the yard.  After I get home from the dentist ( A fitting for my bridge) on Saturday I'll do that.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Monday, December 12, 2011

The State Of Affairs

Today was blood pressure check at the doctor's office.  I finally have that fire put out.  My blood pressure is now in the safe range again.  I can't imagine where the stress could be coming from to cause the high blood pressure.  Hmmmm.............let me think.  Could it be a husband who has PTSD (uncontrolled)?  Could it be the geriatric feline ward we're running here?  Could it be that I can't sleep at night?  It could be worse though.....I could have gone in the direction of a straight jacket in a rubber room.  Count the blessings you have and don't dwell on the horrors that make up the rest of your life.

I'm still decking the halls here.  My snowmen are put out. (some of them)  If I put all of them out it would look trashy.  The lighted garland is around the computer room double doors, bows and all.  Again...when I'm done I'll takepictures and post it.  Tomorrow I put the wreath up on the gate and the lights on the tree. I need to put out my air-blown snowman next to the house too.

Finally the landscapers are removing the leaves.  We had about six inches worth of oak leaves all around our home.  We went out and raked and carried most of them to the curb a week ago so their job was an easy one.  I hope they didn't hurt themselves! What I wouldn't give to be an attorney.  Since we pay extra for the landscaping I would sue their little rumps off.

Moosey was sick this morning.  I worry about him since we have determined that he probably has cancer.  His health is declining and I can't help but wondering how much longer he has.  He can't afford to throw up.  He's so skinny already. I'll have to watch him closely in the next few days.  I know he will be having good days and bad.  I only hope the bad ones aren't too bad.  I won't let him suffer.

I need some time to back soon

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Beautiful Christmas Tree

We bought a tree today and a wreath.  It's a nice little 5 foot Grand fir. (there's at least a foot of trunk so it's still about a four foot tree.)  The cats have been circling it cautiously like they expect it to move suddenly.  After we placed the tree on our little round two foot tall table Homer has spent most of his time underneath it.  His tail is hanging out from under the table cloth on one side..... but he is convinced that we can't see him.  Anyway I have my work cut out for me for a couple of days now.  I'm going to add a couple of picks to the wreath, hang it on the gate, then put the lights and ornaments on the tree.  When I get the tree decorated I'll take a picture and post it.

We also took back two jackets for the girls.  Cherry and Sugar did not fit into a size SM/MED.  I had to go back and get a MED/LG.  Chunky little monkeys!  These are for their Christmas presents so we have to have jackets that fit. 

I still have to get a stocking stuffer gift for my husband.  Our rule for that should to be under twenty dollars.  I'm going to have to be super creative in order to come up with something this year.  He's so hard to buy for.
Usually if I buy it for him he won't use, eat or play with whatever it is.  It sits in a drawer forever.  I personally think he just doesn't like me.  No...I'm not kidding.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Timeout for Fina

One day closer to Christmas and we are getting our tree tomorrow.  After discovering that our artificial tree is in a corner behind the 5 foot Santa Claus that I vowed to not bring out this year...we're getting a fresh cut tree.  I also want to get a wreath to put on the gate.  The tree is not going to be our usual 6 footer but about a four foot so it's easy to decorate.  I don't want to go up and down the ladder a million times this year just to get the limbs in and then the lights evenly placed.

My husband's son came over today to bring us a Christmas card.  While he was here Fina hopped up on the dining table and began to clean herself.  I, politely putting her on the floor, scolded her for taking a bath where we eat.  This is what she did after my short lecture.
This must be her way of taking a timeout.  Who says they don't understand what you're saying?  I told her she had better be good because Santa wouldn't leave her any happy grass or anything with bling if she was a bad kitty. I have all of the kids stuff bought already.  I need one more stocking since we have a new child (Sugar).

I don't know how cold it is where you are but it's chilly here.  It never got above 34 degrees F today.  Now it's misting out there. So near yet so far....I want snow!!!!

Better get on with the decorating.....

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Nooks Rule!

Yea, I have my camera!  It's wonderful.  I think I could photograph a pimple on a bugs butt if I wanted to. However there probably isn't a market for such a subject.  It gets sooooo up close, it's amazing.  In the next few weeks the cats will be blinded by the flashes and running into the furniture and each other.

So what is everyone wanting for Christmas?  I want a couple of books for my Nook e-reader.  I love my Nook.  It's so light it doesn't hurt my hands like a book (even paperback) does.  I can even get on the net with it and it's only the first generation one.  I want one of the Nook Tablets next.  That's my dream e-reader now.  The books don't cost as much for the e-reader either.  Most of my books are between $5.00 and $12.99.  The $12.99 is for the mainstream novels that have just been released.  My favorite book of the year I think was "The Help".  It made me laugh, cry and cheer.  It was a wonderful book. I bought the movie  this week and watched it too.  The book was just a little bit better because some of the stuff was left out of the movie and only implied.  Another pretty good book was "Heaven Is Real".  It's a real account of a child that goes to Heaven.  It was impressive the way it was written.

I'm going to take care of decorating the house this weekend or die trying!  It's just that I keep thinking you only have about three weeks and you will be putting it away again.  Ugh!  I don't find that thought to empowering in any way.

The cats are being pretty good about not investigating the snowmen that I have already put out.  Most of them would be shattered if they hit the floor.  I picked up about twenty new snowmen on a Freecycle list.  For those of you that don't know what that's a e-mail list of things, that people want to get rid of but are still in good shape and usable.  It's a Yahoo group and is limited to an area where you live.

Time to slip into my night-night clothes, grab my nook and hit the sheets.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Friday, December 2, 2011


Sounds like a boring weekend to me.  We have to take back a wrist cuff blood pressure monitor we bought a month or so ago.  My doctor had me bring it in and we checked it with her arm cuff...not even close.  I don't want a false sense of security so it needs to go back.  We purchased it at Walmart in Vancouver, Washington.  That's a little bit of a drive.  Well, so is the one on 82nd in Portland too I guess.

We have our weekly grocery shopping to do at Fred Meyer after we square away our business at Walmart.  I'm trying to stock up on kitty stocking gifts for Christmas.  That means anything that is shiny and rolls qualifies.  While I was at Petco this week I bought a clip-on bow with rhinestones for Fina (the queen of bling)  She had a rhinestone heart but it kept falling off her collar and getting sucked up in the vacuum cleaner.  I recycled it so many times that most of the rhinestones were gone when I finally threw it away.
I have to start stocking up for our Christmas meal too.  I wonder how long Parsnips will last?  We have a Prime rib in the freezer for the occasion but I need Pineapple chunks and marshmallows for the Watergate salad, rolls, parsnips and a dessert.  I know...I'll make cream puffs for dessert.  That sounds so good.  I still might make the Carrot Pudding...that is a tradition in our family.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place