Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Christmas Squeeze

Since I overloaded everyone with all the pictures yesterday.....a non pictured entry will be a shock to the system.  Sorry.  The presents are wrapped and are hidden in the computer room, safely away from the claw-footed furballs with destruction on their minds.  I still have to get stocking stuffers and the 3M double sided tape to hang the stockings.  That will be on Friday when we go grocery shopping.  Tomorrow I have to make the corn pudding.  I'm splitting the recipe and freezing half of it for another meal.  There will only be four of us for Christmas eve dinner so a whole recipe is just too much. The recipe for corn pudding is on one of my posts in this blog.  Oh, here it is....

Is anyone else's Christmas card list getting smaller?  It seems like every year you send out cards and only get about two-thirds the amount back.  I usually send out around twenty cards.  So far this year I have gotten nine cards.  There's always the one or two that you didn't expect to get a card from too.  You grab a card, write a greeting on it and hurry to put it in the mail so it will get there by Christmas (like you planned to send them one).

The cats are beginning to look at the tree like it is something they need to climb.  I caught Tanner sitting on the table under the tree staring up into the center of it.  I immediately squirted him with water and told him NO!  He's so hefty...I'm not sure he could actually get his rear end off the table and into the tree.  Although, I will say, he has lost some tonnage in the last year.  I'm going to take new pictures of the cats and post them on the blog sometime after the first of the year (as requested by Nancy).

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

1 comment:

  1. YAY ! Well, the Christmas should of sent card box is growing. We're having 9 over for Christmas ( our list 12/23 we're going to a concert. 24th is our home party. Last Sat. was the beginning of friend's parties. (yes we went.. started @ 1pm and we got home around 11:30pm ..Can you say long.Um...oh and 25th is just us 4 here... Undoubtedly, I'm told Yurick is bringing Wakana.. Not to thrilled on that aspect. 26th I have my voice lesson (changed because 23rd concert) Can you say yay for the last dentist appt. for the year (ar ar at least for 2 wks. break) 28th...oh and Roy gets his heart results. 29th got our last over haul cleaning..(they take New Years serious over here) 31th I plan on being lazy.

    New Years Day we're going to the graveyard. 1/2 going to a friends house for a New Years dinner. (New Years is from 31st to 4th over here.) 3rd is our family party. This year I did the gathering and planning on the menu. We have a total of 16 for that one. You just never know how God is going to work in a family ! . by Jan. 4th I be ready to have a vacation from anything that looks, smells, taste or breathes party !.

    Sorry that this year everyone's Christmas card is late. It was one of those things that didn't make it in but, is being sent anyway...Just been kinda busy running around..To go to Cosco over here is a chore in itself .Te drive is 1 hr going and about
    1 1/2 hrs. to get back. Take about another hour to park and check out if you're lucky. Shopping ? as fast as you can because everything else takes so long ! And yes i had my hot dog fix and sniff of America..hahaha.

    Merry Christmas if I don't call you before then.
