Monday, January 24, 2011

Basket Beds And The Fuzballs That Frequent Them

Here is a basket bed and Ming is the fuzzball taking a nap.

We have five baskets and ten cats...ya gotta be quick to get a good spot after having your meal and a quick potty box visit.  As old as this boy is he still beats out the younger ones to an ideal spot.  This one is by the front door so there are times that it's sunny and warm near the basket.

The four cats I blogged about earlier today usually head for the sliding glass door for wildlife theater and Ming, Fina, Paddy and Midge look for a good place to take their morning naps.  Hunter and Moosey are in the back room since they don't get along with the others to well.  They have their own beds. 

Tomorrow is vet day again (Cherry).  She has to go and have a urine test again to see if her infection is going away.  I'm thinking she is going to need an operation.  I have to pick up Midges and Ming's meds (Ming-$63.00 Midge- $65.00)  By the time we're done it's going to be another two hundred dollar visit.  I have to find a way to make some money,and soon!

How many of you enjoy beading?  That is an escape for me as well as reading and knitting.  Here's some of my beading (which I haven't done for about six months).

I'm thinking about starting one blog for reading, one for knitting and crochet, one for beading and one for recipes.  Whew!  That's a bunch of blogging.  I will share patterns and titles of great books I have read and yummy recipes that I have tried or use frequently.  Are you interested?  If you are, start following me now so we can take this journey together. 

Goodnight from Muttzncatz's Place

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