Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Party's Over

So much for celebrating the New Year.  It was fun last night ....I even won a couple of Yahtzee games.  That's unusual for me.  Today we took the tree down and drug it to the curb so it can be picked up on Monday.  Tomorrow we take down the outside lights and decorations.  Thank God the weather is at least dry.  It's a bit nippy, but dry (with the wind chill it's about 27 degrees). 

I'm so proud of the cats...not one of them sprayed or climbed the tree.  That's amazing to me.  One of them (Lamont) acted a couple of times like he was spraying the table we had the tree on but when I checked, he hadn't.  I think everyone in the house is happy to have everything back where it belongs.....I know I am.  I still have to put our five foot Santa back in his box but all else is stowed away until next year.  This year I didn't have as much to put away since I didn't take out my Snowman collection. That's at least another three boxes of stuff to pack and store.

All in all,  I think this holiday season was wonderful and I wouldn't change a thing.... except maybe the death of our neighbor a few days before Christmas.  We're thinking about you Joe, go into the light,  God's waiting for you.
Happy New Year Everyone!

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