Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Is There Still A Debtor's Prison?

Our puppy Cherry, went to the vet with Midge today.  Midge got her blood tested for the Thyroid T4 numbers and got a Cortisone shot for her leg as well.  Cherry had X-Rays to make sure she didn't have kidney or bladder stones since she is having her second bladder infection in five months. Good news.....no stones in either place.  Bad news.....the bill for the two was $369.11.  Our credit card is getting sooo high. *choke* 

It's super expensive to rescue animals.  I just can't stand to see animals turned out to fend for themselves.  NOT ALL CATS CAN HUNT!  I can't stress that enough.  I've seen several cats that could not catch a bird or mouse to save their lives.  Those are the cats we rescue.  There are so many animals that need our help.  I wish I could open a no kill shelter for cats.  I would have a geriatric wing for them too.  Sort of like the progressive care/assisted living rest homes for the elderly.  As they get older and need more help they are moved into another wing of the facility.  We could have a visiting vet and a tech on duty 24/7.  There could be a play/exercise room too.  It's a dream but wouldn't that be wonderful?

I wonder if I could start a cartoon strip about these fur people?  I would have enough to write about with all the crazy personalities in this house.  So many of my friends tell me that all these cats are strange.  Hunter talks....he says hello, help and my room. That's just for starters.  Ming does a drum roll before he has a bowel movement.  His front feet go back and forth like he is digging only super fast and there's a beat to it. They use to have Friday evening meetings.  Before my husband's cat died (she was the alpha kitty) she would sit on a table and they would all gather in the room around the table.  The meeting would go on for around half an hour. I'll bet Stephen King would love to take that one into print. It was strange.

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