Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Slicker Than Snot

I can't believe a snow storm has turned into an ice storm.  It started with sleet and then went to freezing rain.  It's supposed to be gone by the morning commute time but I don't see how.  We're holding at 30 degrees F and it's lightly raining.  What a bummer!  If it's still here in the morning the cats can watch ice skating birds and squirrels.  They might actually like the new twist to their daily bird watching.  Those Oregon Juncos will be entertaining on the deck.  The bush tits don't land on anything but the hanging suet so they aren't in the equation same as the Hairy Woodpeckers and Northern Flickers. Occasionaly a sparrow or wren will forage on the deck but it's mostly the Juncos that dominate the area.  One of these days I'll take a pictue of the cats doing their bird watching and I'll post it here.  They tend to line up at the sliding door and scrunch down like little pancakes so the birds can't see them (ya right)  That's like them hiding under the couch cover only their rumps are sticking out but they are sure they can't be seen. (ya right)
Cats are funny creatures aren't they?

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