Monday, January 3, 2011

Santa Is Still Staring At Me!

My five foot Santa is still standing in the dungeon waiting to be put in his box.  Ya know how sometimes it's just a pain to put away the last little bits of stuff from the holiday?  That's where I am right now.  I can't make myself go into that room, get his box down and put him away.  It's going to bug me until I get it done too.  Oh well......maybe tomorrow?

We are suppose to have a Wintery Mix on Wednesday morning.  The weather people here never sound an alarm before we get anything bad.  That's probably because it's hard to predict the weather in this area.  The weather systems seem to shift suddenly and go elsewhere.  Sometimes when we aren't expecting anything bad the system shifts and we get a bunch of snow dumped on us.  It should be interesting to see what's going to happen.

The cats have been resting since the New Years eve celebration.  The youngest one (Homer) is playing with all the toys that were in everyone's Christmas stockings but everyone else is resting.  I came out of the bedroom this morning (the cats are not allowed in the bedroom) and it looked like they had a party of their own.  A coffee table book was on the floor, the swivel rocker was turned around facing the bedroom door, one of them had thrown up in three different spots on the carpet, The stereo is in a cabinet and the door to it was standing open and one of them peed over the side of the NEW kitty box onto the floor.  We replaced the old kitty box the day before because the cats were doing the pee over the side thing.... so we got one that was a bit higher in the front.  DIDN'T WORK!  I'm at my wits end.  I don't know how to stop that behavior.  Any suggestions?

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