Saturday, December 1, 2012

December Cometh

December is here and I'm mostly done with my Christmas shopping.  I still want to get the two baby girl dogs a new sweater and some more dog cookies.  They do love their Petco creme sandwich cookies as well as their carob chip cookies.

I'm thinking this year maybe I'll get a super small live tree.  I was imagining one about three feet tall.  Easy to decorate and easy to drag out of the house and put at the curb for pickup.  The more I think about it the more it makes sense.  The cats won't be tempted to climb it so it will remain upright and the ornaments will stay in one piece. I'll post a picture when we get it up.

Everyone of the fur kids are doing pretty well so far.  Tanner is getting used to my giving him a dose of eye medicine each night and even tolerates a good pet for a few minutes after.  I think he likes it, but tries to act like he is being put out by having to stand there and take it. He sometimes hisses at me just to show that he is still in control of the situation.  Lamont wants to be petted also but when you quit petting him he reaches out and snags you with his claws.  He's caught me in the butt as well as the shoulder on my way out the door.

I have to say that I can't wait for the cold, and possibly snowy weather.  Maybe even a white Christmas?  I don't have much to look forward to this time of year because I rarely  receive any presents.  Snow would be just the best present of all!  I guess I'll have to take what I get, right?

I'm getting in the mood for about you?

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Stars Are Brighter

Well........I can hardly believe it,  but I think something big is coming.  I was very doubtful about the last reading that was sent to me.  I just had another one done by a different psychic, numerologist, astrologer.  It says almost the same thing as the last one.  I am in total shock.  If what I am seeing is true my life will never be the same again.  Including in my relationship arena.  My luck is going to be fantastic and unstoppable.  It even mentions a person close to me who will try to undermine all of this. That was written into both reports also.

The first report, after reading her offer for continued guidance, is mostly a newsletter delivered to my e-mail address once a month for a hefty price.  No thank you, I'll find my way through the maze by myself.  Besides.....I don't see how anyone could do a specific reading for each person every month.  It almost has to be a form letter with your name inserted in all the right places.

I'm believing in a miracle and that my time of treading water is almost done.
After all....there's only one way to go from where I am now, and that's up.   Be happy for me and pray along with me for my life to turn into happiness.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Adrift Under The Stars

Still nothing on the star front.  I do understand that it could happen before or after the 16th but I can't help but be excited for something to happen.  I hope it completely changes my life for the best.  Winning the lottery would be good or a rich relative passing away that I never knew I had.  Whatever it is, I wish it would hurry.

Everyone is still in fairly good health.  I painted the cat room this last weekend.  Moosey has a habit of snotting all over the nice white walls.  He can't help it because he has a discharge from his right nostril.  It was time to make the room look fresh and clean again.

The flea problem is almost completely controlled now also.  It has taken a bunch of work to stop those creepy crawlers.  The only two animals still showing signs of being bothered by the fleas are Sugar and Fina.  They both seem to have an allergy to them.  Fina seems to be worse.  Her little body has scabs from her tail to her mid section.  We have prescription spray I apply to her hot spots and they seem to be getting better.

I have to get back to my knitting so that's my update for now.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Sunday, November 4, 2012

My Stars!

Just recently I had a Astrological /psychic reading done.  The psychic said I was ready to go into an incredibly lucky time in my life.  This should start as of the sixteenth of November and continue for 77 days. It is to be life changing.  I can hardly wait to see what's coming.  Most anything is better than the dream I'm living now.  Gee......maybe I'll win a bunch of money and be able to afford super good care for the cats and still pay off all my bills.  It's nice to have a dream to believe in once in a while, isn't it? I do feel like something is coming but I can't determine what it is.  Last time I got that feeling I won a whole $100.00 from Publishers Clearing House.

Recently I had a health scare.  I had my Mammogram and they found some spots on one breast.  I went for the second appointment and the doctor feels that the spots are only calcification but I have to go back in six months to be sure.  Better safe than sorry.  So at least that's not going to be of an significance to my overall feeling of something big coming.

My birthday is rapidly approaching and I have been very good to myself this year.  I bought a weather station, a Fitzroy weather glass, a couple of turtlenecks and the new "Ahh" bra three pack.  I tend to over spend this time of year because I never get Birthday or Christmas gifts from anyone.  I give them but don't get them.  Someone has to pamper I do the job.

We are actually able to stay away from the vet for over a week now.  I still have to order special compounded medications for Homer and antibiotics for Moosey, but they are all staying fairly healthy.  The flea medications are enough to put us in the poor house though.  I bought a round of Frontline Plus for all the kids and it cost us $140.00.

Stay tunned to see what major developments occurr in my life from the 16th on!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Saturday, November 3, 2012

All is Well

Homer rests on the ledge above the kitchen cabinets watching everyone getting ready for dinner.  He finds it comforting to sit there and listen to the ticking of the second hand on the blue clock.  In taking this picture I noticed there is a cobweb on the ceiling and a bird is missing from the nest on top of the birdhouse. The cobweb I can fix, but who knows where the bird is?  hmmm,  I wonder if Homer had anything to do with that?

Lamont and Tanner have formed a tight bond since the passing of Hunter and Victor.  I've noticed that once in a while they even go sleep with Moosey.  Everyone in the room seems to be eating like pigs and are happy and well adjusted.  It amazes me that they are so resilient.  I guess they knew it was time for Victor and Hunter to leave them.

We're getting ready for Thanksgiving now.  I'm always very thankful when I make it through another one, having been able to get the Turkey dinner on the table with all the trimmings.  I don't make such a fuss over the dinner like I used to.  For years I made everything from scratch. I'm old now and don't have the energy or the time.  It takes me twice as long to do anything these days....that is if I can remember to do whatever it is.  I can blame the bad memory on my Fibro fog, right?

I found this on Facebook:

And that's how it is here, November 2, 2012.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Live Performance Art

I'm starting to get my Halloween decorations out and spread them all through the house.  I was talking with our neighbor this evening when she caught a movement out of the corner of her eye.  She directed my attention to the corner of the dining room where I have several decorations on an inset cabinet.  Here's what we saw:

I guess Fina thought we needed some live performance art as well as the stationery decorations.  I took my "bad kitty" water spray bottle and proceeded to spray her until she got down.  I sat down again and put the bottle on the table.  I had just begun to talk with the neighbor and there she was in the same place once again.  We did the spray bottle four times before she finally stayed down.  Stubborn little stinker that she is, I'm betting she will be there after I go to bed tonight. 

The back room is getting by amazingly well for loosing two of most social cats we had.  They are all eating well and seem to be making new bonds with each other.  Tanner and Lamont are now sleeping together all the time.  Moosey never was one to cuddle with another cat.  He's happiest being alone and sleeping where he wants.

Here's a good one for you.  I put up some fall leaves around our office door.  It takes thumb tacks to keep them from falling to the floor.  I did that last night.  This morning I woke up to find one of the thumb tacks still in my pocket.  I had slept on it all night. And yes.....It stuck me in the leg in several places.  The best part didn't wake me up once!

Have a good day tomorrow
Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Yes, We Have No Maine Coons

Yesterday Hunter went in search of the Rainbow Bridge.  He stopped eating and drinking two days before and became super weak.  He was still able to walk around but kept loosing his balance from time-to-time.  We took him to the vet and he was put down.  Now,  I thought that was going to kill me but this morning Victor was hardly able to get up.  We took him to the vet and his platelets ( I think that's what the doctor said) were down to 11 from his usual 26.  She ran a couple of tests and sure enough,  HE HAD CANCER SOMEWHERE IN HIS BODY TOO!  We put him down this afternoon.  I have a theory that Hunter and Victor might have been from the same litter.  I found Hunter when he was a kitten.  He wandered into my mother's yard and she called and told me to come over right away.  I did and he went home with me...end of story.  I figure that there had to be other kittens in the litter and Victor had been living feral for years, you could tell.  They died a day apart.

Now we are down to six cats and two dogs.  I am so sad.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bad News

My heart is breaking.  We have just found out that our little Hunter will not be with us much longer.  He has Lymphoma.  We have him on steroids currently but I'm told that he will only last about two or three months. The doctor said that he will just get weaker but not be in pain. I've had him since he was a kitten 18 or 19 years ago.  He's the only cat I've had that tries to talk.  He learned how to say "hello" and "my room".  He is also the only cat I've had that learned how to hug my neck when I pick him up. I will miss him so much but I know I will see him again someday.

Other wonderful news is that someone got my Discover card information and charged something online at  It was just under $25.00 but I'm sure that was not going to be the end of it.  I have since cancelled that card. Now I need to find out who got my information. I don't use my Discover card for everything...only certain places.  It had to have been either one of the vet offices or the heating /cooling company that just worked on our heat pump.  I'm just having such a wonderful weekend!  After the Discover Card fraud division makes it's report I will know more about what happened.

Our Health insurance went up $70.00 this year so we are paying over $500.00 a month for horrid coverage.  We have a $1500 deductible.  When we do our taxes we don't need to add our doctor bills up because we qualify for the medical deduction just because of the amount we pay for the actual insurance!

I'm tired of worrying about all this crap.  I'm going to bed and putting it in God's hands.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


We live very close to an abandoned Hotel.  This Hotel has been empty  and used for storage since 2005. During the weekend it became the site of a five alarm fire.

Luckily nothing else in the area caught on fire.  This happened early on Sunday morning around 3:00 AM.  There are still fire trucks there today (Tuesday) because every so often a fire starts again in the burned out shell of a building.  There were six structures and only one is still standing.  Arson is a heavy possibility.  The news said that the owner of the hotel had not paid taxes for the last four years.  Now they can afford to pay the taxes with their insurance claim, right?  Arson, well...maybe????

The cats are doing well.  I'm doing battle with the fleas again but that seems to be common for Summers now.  I believe that the Frontline Plus flea treatments are no longer working.  I think the fleas have become resistant to those chemicals.  Even some Vet techs agree with me on that one.  Something new needs to be developed to combat those horrid blood suckers.

The makers (Pella) of our new sliding glass door will be out to see our new door on Thursday.  There is a 1/4 inch square spot in the center of the door that has zero coating on it.  Both the stationery and the sliding door has glass in them that appear to be distorted. if you move your head from side to side it looks like like there are vertical lines running through the glass.  I now refer to our new slider as the fun house door.  We'll see what happens after they inspect it.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Yardwork Is For The Birds

It was only about 80 degrees today so we worked outside. It's time to get the yard in shape for Winter.  We haven't touched the work all Spring and Summer so now we play catch up.  I started trimming the Rhoddies and Wisteria on the North side of the house.  There are five Rhoddies on that side, so I only got to two of them today.  Tomorrow I hope to get two more done. 

I have started beading another bracelet.  It's in my favorite pattern (The wave)  I'm making it as a surprise for a very brave person who just found out she was Cancer free.  She's a sweet Christian woman who works her rear off to support her family.  Her husband can no longer work and she must take up the slack.  She has quickly become a hero to me.

My computer is on it's way out.  It's filled to the brim with all my pictures, crafts, books and general trivia saved in all kinds of files. It has learned to freeze whenever I get engrossed in something important to me.  I'm having to dump the history and temp files as I get off the internet each night.  It looks like I'll have to take over my husbands computer since he never uses it for anything other than e-mail and that's only about once a year. I'm hoping I can keep mine going until the end of the year.

The cats are doing fairly well right now.  Homer is still not spraying and Tanner is becoming desensitized to our being so close to him.  He isn't peeing when I reach out and touch him when feeding him.  NOW THAT'S PROGRESS!!!
Paddy is getting bored with his only two buddies in the main part of the house I think.  He only has Fina and Homer now to pal around with.  He spends most of his time on the top of the kitchen cabinets. (Picture to follow soon)  Since Tanner came to the backroom all the cats in there eat all their food.  I was throwing away almost a full can of Friskies everyday but now they eat like pigs just to keep Tanner from getting the wet food.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

I Should Have Stayed In Bed

Today was like no other day I have ever had. Today was a real bummer for me.  I got about four hours sleep last night because the bubba's across the street were in and out until about 4:00 AM.  I cleaned the house and then made a tuna sandwich for Ed and I.  I always put sweet relish in the tuna so I reached into the fridge and grabbed the relish and before I could get it to the counter it slipped out of my hand and smashed on the floor.  It was a new jar too.  I cleaned that up and went to take a bath.  I got out of the bath, got dressed and had to walk Cherry before we left for Fred Meyer.  After we got back from the walk my eye caught something white on my shoulder. Thinking it was cat hair or lint, I asked Ed to please remove whatever it was.  Guess what it was?  Yep....bird poop!  I changed my top and we left for the store.  We got out of the car at Fred Meyer and walked over to  where they keep the carts in the parking lot.  Ed beat me there, stopped suddenly and for some unknown reason...backed up.  One crushed foot!  He started swearing (he said...the cart's wheels were locked) but he was looking at me as the crap flew out of his mouth.  He seriously needs anger management!  So to recap...I was sleepless, still smelled remotely like relish, had been pooped on, stepped on and sworn at.  It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Good Night  A Better Night From Muttzncatz's Place


Monday, August 13, 2012

Corpse Plant

This is why it's called a Corpse Plant.  Yuck!

Well, there's the final picture of the mystery plant under the deck steps It's unbelievable that it starts out looking almost transparent and ends up coal black, isn't it?

I can't remember if I mentioned that Tanner is now in the back room with Amos, Hunter, Victor and Lamont.  I needed him to be more confined so I could start treating his eye infection again.  The infection has gotten worse and needs some attention. I have the meds but didn't have an easy way to catch him.  I realize he will probably still pee on whatever he is sitting on but at least I won't have to chase him.  Since putting him in the back, Homer has almost completely stopped spraying.  It's been wonderful!

I do miss having all the cats sitting in front of the sliding glass door watching the birds and squirrels though.  Paddy and Fina don't really care so only Homer watches them.  He runs between the slider and the back in the laundry room.  We are going to have a new slider installed hopefully before the end of August.  Ours has lost it's gas and it is now hard to see out of.  I saved enough out of our tax return this year to get it replaced.  We have five windows that have also lost their gas.  I'm going to call a glass place and see if they can just replace the double paned glass instead of replacing the whole window.

We're getting ready for a heatwave again this week.  It was 93 degrees today and we are heading for triple digits by Wednesday and beyond.  I'll have to water my potted plants twice a day and everything else at least once a day.  I hate watering more than ironing.( Not that I iron much anymore)

Better go make my husbands breakfast and lunch....

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Quick Update Without Indian Pipe Pictures

When I wrote last I forgot to mention that the car was repaired.  We had to take it to a Chevy dealer to have the computer updated.  What a racket, right?  Well I'm back on the road again, more in debt than ever.  My poor Discover card is really taking a hit lately.  I understand that some of those people who beg beside the on ramps to the freeways make a lot of money.......hmmmmmm

Tomorrow is get supplies at the vet day.  We are out of Cherry's special diet food and we need flea treatments for all the cats.  It's supposed to be around  88 degrees tomorrow with no air conditioner in the car.  At least our air works at the house.

The cats are doing fairly well for a change.  Victor and Amos are eating well which means they are a bit healthier than they were before.  I don't know if any of you have heard about Quantum Touch but I have started to use it on the cats and they are responding to it well.  It's a long story but I have evidence that it works.  My goal is to keep them out of the vet's office as long as I can other than for a yearly checkup.

I will soon be listing our gemstones on Ebay for sale. It's time to get rid of some of them.  I thought we would sell them fairly cheap and make it up in quantity.  I will also be listing a variety of other stuff I want to get rid of.  I have so many things that I no longer need.  Start looking for "Muttzncatz" on Ebay in about a month.

I thought this was right on.  Sometimes I feel like that with my Fibro.  I wish they would find a cure for this horrid disease.  There are so many facets of Fibro.  Every time I get a new symptom I go to one of the Fibro sites and start looking for that symptom.  Usually I find it there and then I don't feel like I'm suffering alone.  Enough whining.

I will try to get another picture of the Indian Pipe before I post next time.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Like A Thief In The Light

Here's an update about the flower under the deck stairs.  It's called Indian Pipe, corpse plant, ghost flower, fairy smoke, or ice plant.  Two weeks after I posted the picture it looked like this:
Now the whole plant is starting to turn black.  One of the chutes is completely black, stem and all.  It's an ugly nasty looking plant.  I'm still wondering how it got there.  Here's the article I found on it:

Right in front of this plant and to the right I had a religious statue of Mary.  It was given to me by a dear friend before she moved away from this neighborhood.  Yesterday morning I got up at 10:30 AM and went through my day as usual.  At 5:30 PM I was hand watering that area with a hose and I noticed the statue had disappeared.  The ground was still wet where the stand for Mary had been.  Sometime between the time I got the paper and the time I watered the plants it was stolen.  That's in broad daylight!  Why would someone want a statue that had no color and was starting to turn a lovely color of green from mold?
I filed an online Police report because our foot patrol told me to.  The statue wasn't very valuable.... it was just the sentiment. I'm guessing this thief had no taste.

We have cooled off for a couple of days. It was 100 degrees F the other day.  That's too hot for me.  I'm looking forward to getting back to the Fall and Winter weather soon.  I understand we are going to be in the nineties again next week.  I'm sooo looking forward to it that I have started knitting a pair of socks.  Before the good weather goes away I want to get outside and do some watercolors.

Better go... but I'll try to get a picture of the blackened corpse plant before it dies off completely.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dogs And Cats And Flowers Too

The mosquitoes are out!  I walked outside last night and within 2 minutes I had three bites.  I swell with each bite (allergic I guess) I have two red spots on one arm the size of a half dollar and one on the other elbow the size of a quarter.  I have not scratched any of them but they seem to stay infected and angry looking.  I have always been a gourmet item for those little critters.

I thought I would catch you up on some things.  First I have picture of Cherry with our neighbor and friend, Toni.  Cherry adores Toni and I think she would go home with her if I allowed it. 

looks happy, doesn't she?  She was out like a light.  I keep telling Toni she needs to wear those again so Cherry can play Kangaroo.

The other night I went into the back room and this is what I found......

Here's the rest of the story:

                                      Moosey takes the top bunk!

Victor doesn't care if he is inconveniencing Lamont or not.  He can't seem to get close enough to his favorite buddy.  Lamont gets tired of it once and awhile and gets up abruptly and dumps Victor on the floor.

I also have some weird flowers growing under our deck stairs.

Anyone know what they are?  I have seen them there for a couple of years but my mind kept telling me it was part of the fern.  Well.....that's stupid!  I have several ferns like that one and they don't flower.

My Chevy Trailblazer is sitting under the carport and waiting for me to get enough money to repair it.  It's going to cost over a thousand dollars to fix.  Walking is good.  I need to loose some weight anyway.

That's enough for one night I'll try to do more soon.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


This month has been a bit better, health-wise for the cats.  My health however has now taken a left turn.  I have terrible allergies and this year it turned into a sinus infection in a hurry.  I can still hardly talk and I'm half way through the medication the doctor gave me.  I didn't sleep for three days because I couldn't lay down without coughing.  Now, finally, I am sleeping a little bit.

We have an urgent care here that is called Zoomcare.  That's where I went instead of my primary care doctor.  It's only $129.00 at Zoomcare to be seen and my primary care doctor would charge me $ 345.00.  I have signed up with Zoomcare to do my yearly exam.  I don't like my primary doctor anyway so this is perfect.

I have some pictures I need to get off my camera and onto this page.  There's one of Cherry with her Auntie Toni.  Toni (our neighbor) came over wearing bib overalls and Cherry crawled inside and went to sleep.

My birds came back again this year.  By that I mean my Tanagers and Orioles.  They weren't here as long this year but did stop by.  I haven't seen Stellers jays for a couple of years. They used to come by beginning of Summer and in the Fall.  I noticed that I don't have my year round humming bird either.  Something must have happened to her.  I have no idea how long birds live.

Better go and start making my husband's lunch and breakfast.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Again, I am falling behind in my postingVictor was back at the vet this week.  He (of all things) has an infected tail.  Whether it started with a flea bite or a cat bite, who knows.  He's on liquid antibiotics and a topical as well.
He doesn't seem to mind the liquid but when I spray his tail with the topical he has a royal hissy fit.  Well...I guess I should know his boundaries by now, right?  Rule number one:  The vicious feral cat will not be touched in any way by human hands.
It seems that Sugar has the same problem and is tearing her hair out in clumps.  So.......tomorrow is vet day for a follow up on Victor and a new appointment for Sugar.  It never ends!  This is a slow path to being homeless.
If we don't find an extra income soon we will be out in the street.
If anyone wishes to contribute I have a Paypal account (Under the name Muttzncatz).  Contact me for instructions.  What am I saying?  I can't even get anyone to sign up to follow my ramblings.  I know somewhere out there is a person or two who would love to help with our vet bills.
Cherry just had surgery for a kidney stone.  That was around $900.00 with all the ex-rays and overnight stays.  Now she is on a special prescription food for the rest of her life.
Just the pet medicines alone that we get every month is enough to keep us broke.  Victor is on a special liquid for his blood disorder and will be for the rest of his life.  Amos is on an antibiotic because of the growth in his nose.  He also takes an appetite stimulant and an immune support pill each day.  Fina takes a special medicine to keep her from getting an upper respiratory infection due to her having only one nostril.  Tanner now has Hypo Thyroid and will be on a daily pill.  Homer has a constant problem with worms and has to be de-wormed about every other month.  He also takes a Calming liquid to keep him from spraying.  The flea treatments each month are almost $200.00.  The dogs are on heartworm meds each month.  I may have left off something, but I tried to give you a picture of what it's like.  Our credit card is nearing extinction.
Well that's about it for tonight's rant

Good Night From Muttzncat's Place

Monday, April 30, 2012

Where Has The Time Gone?

OK, so it took me over a month to get back to my blog.  I apologize.  You'll understand when I tell you some of the things I have been dealing with.

First, Victor is still doing well.  We have him on a very expensive medication but he only takes it twice a week and he is doing very well.  Amos is starting to have more discharge from his nose again. I think we need to change his antibiotics.  I'm going to paint the walls in that room this weekend If all goes well.  Cat snot does not go well on stark white walls.

Cherry became sick and we took her to the vet.  She just had surgery for a Kidney stone.  Her re-check will be this Friday of this week.  She is healing nicely and not even bothering her stitches.  She is however, on special foods now.

Tanner had to go to the vet also.  He wasn't eating well and looked sick. This is the King of feral cats.  He has been inside our house for about three years now and we still can't touch him.  We trapped him and took him to see Dr. Stanhope at St Francis.  He had a bad upper respiratory infection so we gave him a 14 day shot since pills were out of the question.  He also had a yeast infection in one of his ears.  We left there with ear drops to put in his ears every day.  The doseage was twice a day but we were doing well to get one dose a day in those ears.  The ear infection is cleared up and the rug is much cleaner now than it was before his infection.  Everytime we trapped him and squeezed the ear drops in his ears he peed on the carpet.  He had to go back after two weeks for another 14 day shot. His infection was better but not gone.  After 28 days of the antibiotic shots he still has the upper respiratory infection so now the doctor wants us to give him Clavamox pills twice a day.  OOOOKKKKKK.  The first try with the pills I put one in a lump of cream cheese and offered it to him.  Nope!  Next try was a cheese slice wrapped around the pill.  Not on your life! way!  That night we trapped him to give him his ear drops and eye meds, which had been added the last visit, and I took the pill pusher and popped it into his mouth.  Done!  Ha!  He had the most surprised look on his face as he peed in the chair.

Since Christmas We have spent over $2,500.00 on Vet bills.  I need a guardian angel to find me a unlimited supply of money to get out of debt.  Please everyone...pray for a miracle for me.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Back From The Dead

Just a super quick note to say I'm back.  I had one of my horrid Fibromyalgia flares and just didn't do much of anything.  I will try to catch you up on everything that has gone on since my last post.
Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

This site is amazing...Check this out:

Friday, February 3, 2012

Victor Is Well

Victor improved even more this weekWhen we go next Thursday night, if he stays stable in his weight and his cell counts are good we don't have to go back for awhile.  No more tube feeding this week.  This has been the hard part for Victor.  He's feral and he must not be touched for any reason. 

I finally have a handle on the flea problems in the house.  I can't find any evidence of fleas now.  This has been an intense time of cleaning and treating the cats about every three weeks with Frontline Plus.  For a long time I didn't have to treat the cats in the back room.  They never came into contact with the dogs who are bringing in the fleas from going outside to potty. When I moved the cats around a couple of times they took fleas back into that room and started an infestation.  I used equal parts of salt and baking soda sprinkling it everywhere and then vacuuming it up after a few hours (over night). The way it works, as I understand it..... is that one of the ingredients burns the fleas and the other dries them out.   It really works. 

I filed our taxes and they have already been accepted. (e-filed)  With our refund I intend on replacing a sliding glass door in our dining room, replacing our dishwasher and unclogging our guest bathroom's bathtub.  At one time I had a third cat box in that room.  I was cleaning the floor underneath the box so I balanced it on the side of the tub.  OOPS!  The box fell into the bathtub and before I could rescue the box the drain was filled with cat litter!  Now....anyone with an indoor cat knows what cat litter becomes when it gets wet.'s cement!  There was an ad that I saw on television that a drain service was offering to unclog any drain for $99.00.  Welllll.......They are going to have their hands full with this one.  If I feel ambitious I'm going to rent a heavy duty rug cleaner and do our carpets too.

I called my old vet to see if they still had Amos's feline immune support pills in stock.  They said they did and that we could pick them up but had to be there before 3:00 PM.  I asked why and was told that they don't have much business on Wednesdays.  It looks like their business practices are finally catching up with them.  I tried to tell the owner and the business manager about some of the things they needed to improve on and they didn't listen.  I would try calling all day and would get their answering machine.  I tried to call and get an appointment for an emergency and was told there were no appointments left and to go to an emergency vet.  This was a vet I went to for years.  I did a web page for them (between 7 and 10 pages) and was told I would get money off of my visits.  That never happened.  Anyway.... I sent my husband to pick up the pills on his way home since he works about a quarter mile from there.  Guess what?  They were closed when he got there at 2:35 PM.  To be expected.  I do not wish this vet any harm.  My hope is that he will get a clue and shape up because he is a very nice person.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Victor Grows Stronger

Victor is doing weekly visits to the vet.  We went this evening and his numbers are coming up and he is holding his weight.  I had to order some special medicine for his gums so we don't have to use a steroid anymore.  It comes from a compounder and will be a liquid.  I was asked to choose either beef, chicken or tuna flavor.  I, of course, chose tuna which is a darn site better than the peanut butter flavored doxycycline he has been taking. I am reducing his tube feedings to only one time a day.  Next week he will be tested again and hopefully he will still be on the upswing with his numbers and his weight. 

It's getting cold here again.  It's going to be around 28 degrees by morning.
We get nice weather and then we have to change over from the cold to the wet.  That's when we sometimes get the snow.

I'm starting our taxes tomorrow.  I think I have all the papers I need to put it all together.  We paid enough medical this year for a deduction.  That should help.  Sadly we will have enough each year because of the health insurance costs and the high deductibles.  I need to get healthier and not have to go to the doctor as much.  I'm looking for a Malibu Pilates chair with the DVDs.  I can't afford to buy it from the source so I'm looking on Craigs list and eBay.  The cheapest one I can find is around $150.00. I'll keep looking.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Friday, January 6, 2012

Thank God I Don't Have to Diaper him Too

Today has been easier with Victor.  He's eating and drinking a bit but not enough so I'm still tube feeding him and giving him Sub cue fluids. If I go slow enough with the tube feeding he doesn't get fidgety.  I'm feeding him more often but not as much at a time.  I figure that if I let him set the pace of the feeding we'll get it done easier.  It just seems like I'm stuffing something down his throat every few seconds.  I know that's not true but I feel sorry for him being "seriously" feral and all. *Snicker*  He hasn't hissed at me since we brought him home the other day.  He is actually liking hugs now.  I think if we can pull him out of this, he might be a pretty good domesticated kitty (but we won't tell him he's domesticated, right?)

I got my Knit Kit in the mail today.  I ordered it just before Christmas and I LOVE IT!  This is the best all-in-one tool a knitter can own.  I purchased one of the new hot pink ones that has the needle gauge on it.  For those of you that don't know anything about them.... it contains

1.  a row counter
2.  a tape measure
3   a crochet hook (double ended)
4.  a thread cutter
5.  a needle gauge
6.  a pair of scissors
7.  a pair of point protectors
8.  a few stitch markers
9.  a large tapestry needle

It's all in one small container and ready to hit the road with you.  If you want more information go to: I'm making another dog sweater for Sugar so I can try out some of the features it has.  I love new toys!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Muttzncatz's Place Update

I caught a picture today of Tanner as he was napping in a basket by the front door.
He has been extremely elusive.  You can't even make eye contact with him and he's gone.  I shudder to think if I should ever have to give him any serious medicines...who would win that round?  For as chunky as he is he moves with lightning speed.

Fina was just getting ready for an afternoon nap when I clicked this picture.

At least her eyes aren't glowing like her picture on the left of the page.

Victor is fighting me on his feedings.  I have gone through two large towels so far and there will be at least two more by the end of the day.  That is a messy job.  Feeding a cat that doesn't want to hold still is not my idea of fun.  He is sneaky about it too.  He shrinks into the towel instead of trying jump forward out of the hold.  I have tried every wrap I can think of on him and he still escapes before I'm done feeding.  I end up wearing almost as much as he has eaten.  I will say that giving him his pill is a breeze.  Since he doesn't have teeth in most of his mouth he can't bite me.

Maybe it will be easier tomorrow.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Victor Returns Home

Victor is home and with his best buddy, Lamont.  He rubbed on Lamont as soon as he got out of his carrier and then ran to the water and had a good drink.  Mind the hospital he didn't eat or drink anything.  I went in to tube feed him and he fought me the whole way.  After we were done he jumped down and went to the dry food and chowed.  The doctor wants him to have a whole can of Science Diet ad everyday for at least a week.  He's going to be soooo mad at me when that week is over!  Oh I said yesterday....that's what we do here.  Here's the little Prince after he chowed on the dry food.
He's got that one eyed squint that says,"LEAVE ME ALONE".  He's probably more mad about me disturbing him from his cuddling with Lamont to feed him.  Now it will take a while before Lamont comes back to lay with him again.
My favorite Tech at the 24 hour hospital said that he didn't sleep while he was there.  That was, I'm guessing, a trust thing.  To one who thinks he's still very feral....all those strangers picking him up and accosting him every so often had to be stressful.

Here's a picture of Ed and his girl Sugar with her navy blue dress on.  This was taken yesterday.  The girls usually wear the same type of clothes each day.

So, all is well at Muttzncatz's Place tonight.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Rats! Victor Is Still Hospitalized

Victor is still in the hospital.  I'm going to call his doctor in a few minutes and see what he thinks about his condition.  He is still not eating or drinking on his own.  That has me concerned.  I don't want to bring him home and force feed him if he wants to just give up because of an undiscovered problem.  If the doctor feels this is normal for his condition then we will keep on treating him. 

Here's a picture that I found on facebook.  It proves even a rat needs someone to love.
I thought this picture was so cute I had to show you.  NO, this is NOT a part of the Muttzncatz's Place family.  Although I did have a rat we rescued from outside our home one time.  She was a feeder rat so I'm guessing that a neighbor had her to feed their snake.  She must have gotten away and made it to our house.  We went to the local pet store and bought her a cage and all the trimmings as well as a tiny carrier to transport her to and from the doctor. Minnie only lasted a couple of years because she had an upper respiratory infection that I believe she got when she was outside in the cold March air.  The sad part of the story was that she had a friend that escaped with her but he was found dead on the pathway to the next door neighbors house.

Cherry wanted her picture re-taken so everyone wouldn't think she only owned one outfit so here's our little fashion bug....

This is a cute little dress.  Sugar has one in navy blue with anchors on it.
Sugar isn't fond of dressing every single morning but she'll be happy when Summer comes and she can go nude again.

I just spoke with Victor's doctor and he says that the blood disease he has created the problem and he is progressing very well and should recover soon.It was a bacterial infection in his blood.  He's coming home tomorrow with a list of instructions and medications.  that's always such a joyful a semi-feral cat subcue fluids and medications not to mention tube feeding him.
My arms will look like chopped meat when I'm done.  oh well....that's what we do in this house.

Remember to keep those resolutions!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Monday, January 2, 2012

Now You See Him...Now You Don't

Victor came home for a day but wasn't eating so we took him back to the hospital before his system could go down again.  He is in good hands there and I know they will do everything possible to help him to get well.  I'm thinking that he will be there for another day or two but he should be back to his old hissy self when he returns home again.  When we picked him up at the hospital he didn't hiss at us but the techs said he was hissing at them. That's a good sign since he fancies himself to be absolutely 100% feral still.  After I pet him he hisses at me but totally enjoys the attention while he's getting it.

The girls always get so excited about splitting a container of wet food each night for dinner.
If you will notice...this time my husbands tongue is out I'm truly thinking there is something going on here.  First Fina then Ed.  I just can't get any respect!

I should put away more snow people tomorrow.  It's super crowded in here.  It's starting to close in on me.  Today Ed took the outside Christmas lights it's my turn to put all the inside stuff away.

I have to wonder what's in store for all of us this year.  I'm hoping this will be a better year for everyone.  I don't want to get into prophecy here but it's scary to think about what's coming and when it could get here.

Smile at everyone you see!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place