Saturday, December 31, 2011

Victor is in the Hospital

Our little Victor has been in the hospital since yesterday night.  Awhile (two weeks) back he had to have a shot for his gums that get inflamed constantly because his system has turned on the enamel on his teeth.  We had all but maybe two to four teeth removed but he still gets the inflammation.  That means that every six weeks or so he needs an anti-inflammatory shot.  He use to yowl and run away from his food when it started to hurt him.  This time he didn't...he just quit eating only I didn't know that.  By the time I realized he wasn't eating he had lost a substantial amount of weight.  He got his shot and started eating until he caught an upper respiratory infection and stopped eating again.  This one I figured out immediately but his system was already compromised from not eating for so long the first time.  Off we went to the 24 hour animal hospital.  He is slowly mending and should be able to go home tomorrow.  Lamont, being his best buddy, has been miserable without him.  Every time I go into their room he looks at me like, where's my Victor?  I told him to pray hard that Victor gets well because the first night we didn't know if he would even make it.  He must have prayed because the doctor (who was surprised at the partial recovery) said Victor is doing much better.

Fina is blissfully happy since Christmas eve.  She is wearing her bling for all to see.  I held her up to the mirror so she could appreciate her necklace.  It sparkles with all the crystals that are in it.
The next shot is Fina in mid lick..............

It looks like she is sticking her tongue out at me.  Who knows...maybe she is?

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Christmas Squeeze

Since I overloaded everyone with all the pictures yesterday.....a non pictured entry will be a shock to the system.  Sorry.  The presents are wrapped and are hidden in the computer room, safely away from the claw-footed furballs with destruction on their minds.  I still have to get stocking stuffers and the 3M double sided tape to hang the stockings.  That will be on Friday when we go grocery shopping.  Tomorrow I have to make the corn pudding.  I'm splitting the recipe and freezing half of it for another meal.  There will only be four of us for Christmas eve dinner so a whole recipe is just too much. The recipe for corn pudding is on one of my posts in this blog.  Oh, here it is....

Is anyone else's Christmas card list getting smaller?  It seems like every year you send out cards and only get about two-thirds the amount back.  I usually send out around twenty cards.  So far this year I have gotten nine cards.  There's always the one or two that you didn't expect to get a card from too.  You grab a card, write a greeting on it and hurry to put it in the mail so it will get there by Christmas (like you planned to send them one).

The cats are beginning to look at the tree like it is something they need to climb.  I caught Tanner sitting on the table under the tree staring up into the center of it.  I immediately squirted him with water and told him NO!  He's so hefty...I'm not sure he could actually get his rear end off the table and into the tree.  Although, I will say, he has lost some tonnage in the last year.  I'm going to take new pictures of the cats and post them on the blog sometime after the first of the year (as requested by Nancy).

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Snowman Convention

Here are the pictures I promised earlier.

The last picture is of Homer.  He didn't quite make it under the tree before he fell asleep.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Monday, December 19, 2011

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

It's so close to Christmas now I can almost smell it.  I guess we can forget about having a white Christmas this year.  We're having one of the driest Decembers on record since (I think they said)1878.  The weatherman said tonight that January through March would be colder and wetter than normal.  Well....I can always hope for the white stuff.  I'm getting out the hot chocolate just in case.

Tomorrow we're heading out to K-Mart to look for stocking stuffers for each other.  I'm not real pleased with what they carry at our local Fred Meyer (Kroger) store.  There's nothing worse than getting travel size crap in your stocking that you'll never use.  I have all the cats and dogs stocking stuffers.  I need to pick up double sided 3M stickers for the hooks to hang them on the mantel.  I've now reached that time of the holidays that I want it to be over.  I think you get so buried in details that you stop appreciating the magic and reason for the season.

On my walk with Sugar this morning We did a walk around our neighbors house because she is in South Africa until March.  I thought I heard someone trying to get in there last night.  I was looking at her doors and windows and didn't see a big lump of higher grass covered dirt.  Down I went.  Now I'm extremely sore on my left side.  With Fibromyalgia once you have pain your nerves keep it going.  I'm going to take a pain pill tonight and should be OK in the morning.

So what kind of traditions do you observe on Christmas?

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Little Tree Many Ornaments

The tree is done.  Here it is.......
To the left under the tree there is a white splotch.  It's kind of hard to see but on the top of the tree there is a snowman and he's holding a snowflake that splotch under the tree......that's Fina making herself comfy and waiting for Santa to bring her bling and lots of happy grass.  If I lifted the table cloth up you would see three other kids...Paddy, Tanner and Homer.  Tomorrow or the next day I'll try to get a better picture of the area.

Victor went to St Francis 24 hour vet hospital yesterday for his anti- inflammatory shot.  So far he still won't eat.  He's the one with almost all of his teeth extracted because he was allergic to his own enamel. His gums get swollen and red still so we have to get him a shot about every six to eight weeks.

Now I have to hang the stockings on the mantle after I put Sugar's name on one.  That's all I'm going to do this year.  It's a snowman year...very few, if any, Santas were brought out.  I still have to put out my air-blown snowman in the yard.  After I get home from the dentist ( A fitting for my bridge) on Saturday I'll do that.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Monday, December 12, 2011

The State Of Affairs

Today was blood pressure check at the doctor's office.  I finally have that fire put out.  My blood pressure is now in the safe range again.  I can't imagine where the stress could be coming from to cause the high blood pressure.  Hmmmm.............let me think.  Could it be a husband who has PTSD (uncontrolled)?  Could it be the geriatric feline ward we're running here?  Could it be that I can't sleep at night?  It could be worse though.....I could have gone in the direction of a straight jacket in a rubber room.  Count the blessings you have and don't dwell on the horrors that make up the rest of your life.

I'm still decking the halls here.  My snowmen are put out. (some of them)  If I put all of them out it would look trashy.  The lighted garland is around the computer room double doors, bows and all.  Again...when I'm done I'll takepictures and post it.  Tomorrow I put the wreath up on the gate and the lights on the tree. I need to put out my air-blown snowman next to the house too.

Finally the landscapers are removing the leaves.  We had about six inches worth of oak leaves all around our home.  We went out and raked and carried most of them to the curb a week ago so their job was an easy one.  I hope they didn't hurt themselves! What I wouldn't give to be an attorney.  Since we pay extra for the landscaping I would sue their little rumps off.

Moosey was sick this morning.  I worry about him since we have determined that he probably has cancer.  His health is declining and I can't help but wondering how much longer he has.  He can't afford to throw up.  He's so skinny already. I'll have to watch him closely in the next few days.  I know he will be having good days and bad.  I only hope the bad ones aren't too bad.  I won't let him suffer.

I need some time to back soon

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Beautiful Christmas Tree

We bought a tree today and a wreath.  It's a nice little 5 foot Grand fir. (there's at least a foot of trunk so it's still about a four foot tree.)  The cats have been circling it cautiously like they expect it to move suddenly.  After we placed the tree on our little round two foot tall table Homer has spent most of his time underneath it.  His tail is hanging out from under the table cloth on one side..... but he is convinced that we can't see him.  Anyway I have my work cut out for me for a couple of days now.  I'm going to add a couple of picks to the wreath, hang it on the gate, then put the lights and ornaments on the tree.  When I get the tree decorated I'll take a picture and post it.

We also took back two jackets for the girls.  Cherry and Sugar did not fit into a size SM/MED.  I had to go back and get a MED/LG.  Chunky little monkeys!  These are for their Christmas presents so we have to have jackets that fit. 

I still have to get a stocking stuffer gift for my husband.  Our rule for that should to be under twenty dollars.  I'm going to have to be super creative in order to come up with something this year.  He's so hard to buy for.
Usually if I buy it for him he won't use, eat or play with whatever it is.  It sits in a drawer forever.  I personally think he just doesn't like me.  No...I'm not kidding.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Timeout for Fina

One day closer to Christmas and we are getting our tree tomorrow.  After discovering that our artificial tree is in a corner behind the 5 foot Santa Claus that I vowed to not bring out this year...we're getting a fresh cut tree.  I also want to get a wreath to put on the gate.  The tree is not going to be our usual 6 footer but about a four foot so it's easy to decorate.  I don't want to go up and down the ladder a million times this year just to get the limbs in and then the lights evenly placed.

My husband's son came over today to bring us a Christmas card.  While he was here Fina hopped up on the dining table and began to clean herself.  I, politely putting her on the floor, scolded her for taking a bath where we eat.  This is what she did after my short lecture.
This must be her way of taking a timeout.  Who says they don't understand what you're saying?  I told her she had better be good because Santa wouldn't leave her any happy grass or anything with bling if she was a bad kitty. I have all of the kids stuff bought already.  I need one more stocking since we have a new child (Sugar).

I don't know how cold it is where you are but it's chilly here.  It never got above 34 degrees F today.  Now it's misting out there. So near yet so far....I want snow!!!!

Better get on with the decorating.....

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Nooks Rule!

Yea, I have my camera!  It's wonderful.  I think I could photograph a pimple on a bugs butt if I wanted to. However there probably isn't a market for such a subject.  It gets sooooo up close, it's amazing.  In the next few weeks the cats will be blinded by the flashes and running into the furniture and each other.

So what is everyone wanting for Christmas?  I want a couple of books for my Nook e-reader.  I love my Nook.  It's so light it doesn't hurt my hands like a book (even paperback) does.  I can even get on the net with it and it's only the first generation one.  I want one of the Nook Tablets next.  That's my dream e-reader now.  The books don't cost as much for the e-reader either.  Most of my books are between $5.00 and $12.99.  The $12.99 is for the mainstream novels that have just been released.  My favorite book of the year I think was "The Help".  It made me laugh, cry and cheer.  It was a wonderful book. I bought the movie  this week and watched it too.  The book was just a little bit better because some of the stuff was left out of the movie and only implied.  Another pretty good book was "Heaven Is Real".  It's a real account of a child that goes to Heaven.  It was impressive the way it was written.

I'm going to take care of decorating the house this weekend or die trying!  It's just that I keep thinking you only have about three weeks and you will be putting it away again.  Ugh!  I don't find that thought to empowering in any way.

The cats are being pretty good about not investigating the snowmen that I have already put out.  Most of them would be shattered if they hit the floor.  I picked up about twenty new snowmen on a Freecycle list.  For those of you that don't know what that's a e-mail list of things, that people want to get rid of but are still in good shape and usable.  It's a Yahoo group and is limited to an area where you live.

Time to slip into my night-night clothes, grab my nook and hit the sheets.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Friday, December 2, 2011


Sounds like a boring weekend to me.  We have to take back a wrist cuff blood pressure monitor we bought a month or so ago.  My doctor had me bring it in and we checked it with her arm cuff...not even close.  I don't want a false sense of security so it needs to go back.  We purchased it at Walmart in Vancouver, Washington.  That's a little bit of a drive.  Well, so is the one on 82nd in Portland too I guess.

We have our weekly grocery shopping to do at Fred Meyer after we square away our business at Walmart.  I'm trying to stock up on kitty stocking gifts for Christmas.  That means anything that is shiny and rolls qualifies.  While I was at Petco this week I bought a clip-on bow with rhinestones for Fina (the queen of bling)  She had a rhinestone heart but it kept falling off her collar and getting sucked up in the vacuum cleaner.  I recycled it so many times that most of the rhinestones were gone when I finally threw it away.
I have to start stocking up for our Christmas meal too.  I wonder how long Parsnips will last?  We have a Prime rib in the freezer for the occasion but I need Pineapple chunks and marshmallows for the Watergate salad, rolls, parsnips and a dessert.  I know...I'll make cream puffs for dessert.  That sounds so good.  I still might make the Carrot Pudding...that is a tradition in our family.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Monday, November 28, 2011

A Moment of Weakness

You will all be happy to hear that in a moment of weakness I bought a new digital camera last night while watching one of the shopping channels.  It's twice as good as my old one which means you will be seeing more and better quality pictures here on my blog.  I'm very excited about it and can hardly wait for it to get here.  The kitties will be blinded from all the flashes going off in their little furry faces.  Oh, it also has a red eye remover built in.  No more red eyed devil looking precious children.

Today was flea treatment day.  All my fur kids got treated with their Frontline Plus doses this afternoon.  The only one that is almost impossible to dose is Tanner.  Today I got lucky and he ran into a cardboard box I had on the floor for their enjoyment.  I threw a large terry towel over him and pulled him out of the box.  I put the treatment on his neck, he peed on the towel, the box, the rug and that was it.  Well you have to understand by comparison this was easy.  We use to have to chase him all over the house and when we got too close he peed.  That meant that there would be several spots of urine all over the house.  We would take kleenex tissues and mark the spots like penalty flags at a football game as we took off after him each time.   So one large spot on the rug, towel and box....a piece of cake! That was just a little green machine (carpet cleaner), throw out the cardboard box and and throw the towel in the washer.  I love it when a plan comes together, don't you?

I don't suppose that any of you would like to sign up to follow my blog?  I would feel so much better knowing I wasn't doing this for nothing.  Please consider signing up so you can comment and interact with me.  I think being able to have someone tell me what they want me to write about once in a while would be wonderful too.

Have a pleasant tomorrow

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Saturday, November 26, 2011

For My Sweet Granddaughter /Your Favorite Dump Cake

This is my granddaughters favorite sweet snack.  I promised to post it for her.  Please enjoy this recipe.

My Christmas shopping is about 3/4 done.  I have a couple of gift cards to buy, stocking gifts for my husband & fur kids and then I'm through.  I have a couple of things to get into the mail and then of course the Christmas cards.  This Christmas may not be as much of a strain as last year.  Now.... if we could just have a foot of snow on or before Christmas I would be in Heaven.

Here's what was going on in the living room while I was cooking on Wednesday night for Thanksgiving.   Homer made a darn fine hat, don't ya think?  Just before I took this picture Homer's leg was on top of Ed's head.

Thanksgiving day the cats were feeling that there was safety in numbers:

Left to right, Fina, Homer, Tanner and Paddy.  After my son and my granddaughter came over the children were very nervous and didn't quite know what to do with themselves.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Recipe for Carrot Pudding

As promised here's the recipe for Carrot Pudding:
1Cup Carrots finely shredded
1 Cup Flour
1 Cup raisins
1 Cup raw potatoes finely shredded
1 Cup sugar
1/2 Cup melted solid shortening
1/2 tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp nutmeg
Pinch salt

Mix ingredients,  place in a double boiler and steam with a lid on for three hours or until set in the center.  This becomes cake like.
Serve with either ice cream or whipping cream on warm pudding.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

The Holiday Crunch

The Trailblazer is back but only the heat is working.  The air had to be disabled.  It was seizing up and will cost between $700.00 to $800.00 to fix.  That won't get done right now.  We at least have heat for the Winter months.

I've started my Christmas shopping.  I always dread the buying gifts part of Christmas.  I'm afraid that no one will like what I bought for them.  The only part I do like is buying for the cats and dogs.  For the cats, a little catnip goes a long way.  For Homer...the small furry catnip mice are perfect.  He loves them.  The only problem is that he plays with one and then the next morning it's floating in the water bowl.  He's almost as bad as a raccoon.  He has to wash everything.  Even when he gets ahold of something I have cut off a package to open's in the water after a bit of play.  One of his worst habits is reaching under the oven or fridge and scraping out dust bunnies after I've washed the kitchen floor.  I'm never sure if he is trying to tell me that it needed cleaning or he is looking for a mouse he lost. 
Fina likes a little bling.  If I can find something that has rhinestones on it for around her neck, she's happy.  The rest just get balls and catnip.  They all get new collars too.

Speaking of Christmas....we have another recipe that we like to fix for Christmas dinner once in awhile.  It's carrot pudding. It's a steamed pudding and tastes really good.  I'll post it next time I blog again.  I'll also try to get a picture of the children's Christmas stockings hung on the mantle in December to show you they all have a stocking.  I have to get one for Sugar since she's the newest adoptee.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Vet Update

Took Hunter and Amos back to the vet for a re-check.  Hunter is 100% better and Amos will remain on antibiotics for the remainder of his life.  But giving a couple of pills a day is nothing.  I remember having to give IV fluids to a couple of older cats for a long period of time........Even our Schnauzer had to have fluids for a short time. We have had two pets that were diabetic and had shots twice a day.   All our friends used to kid us that we were running an animal hospital annex.  Even now there's a bag of fluids hanging on the wall in the kitty room.

My car got dropped off at the Shell station on Mill plain in Vancouver.  I can't run the heat or the air without the idle dropping and almost killing the engine.  Hopefully I will be able to use the heat on the way home from there.  By the time I got the car there today my nose was below zero.  It was super chilly today.  I don't think we got above 42 degrees.  My husband followed me there and then we took the cats to the vet.  After the vet we went to BI-Mart to get my hair coloring.  I came out of the store and was looking for my Trailblazer until it dawned on me that it was a red pickup I was looking for.  I must have looked really dumb standing there with a blank expression on my face.

This week I start cooking for Thanksgiving. I'll be starting with the corn pudding.  This dish was created during the depression as a meat substitute.  For anyone interested here's the recipe:

Grease a 2 quart oven proof casserole dish.

In the casserole dish empty

1 can of cream style corn
1/4 lb butter melted
1 small jar of chopped pimento's
1 can pitted black olives sliced
1 pint tomato sauce ( 16 fluid ounces)
1 cup yellow corn meal
2 eggs beaten
1 1/4 cup milk
1 medium onion minced
1 tsp salt
1 tsp paprika

Stir all ingredients until blended.

Cook at 325 degrees until the center is firm ( a knife should come out clean when inserted into the center)
If you make this ahead of time....don't let the center set.  On the day you wish to serve this dish just put it in the oven again at 325 degrees and cook until the center is set.  This dish will also freeze well when fully cooked.
This is a big favorite in our family...I hope you enjoy it with your family as well.
Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I'm still here...They haven't beaten me down yet

Sorry......I've been busy with dentist,  doctor and vet appointments all through October.  I'm still not done.   I'll be doing doctor and dentist appointments all through January.  Amos and Hunter have been to the vet several times.  Hunter had a Urinary infection which he must have had for a very long time since he decided to urinate on the carpet in front of me to show he was sick.  There was blood in it.  He just finished a two week round of antibiotics.  He had lost weight and had a dull look in his eyes.  He is now pretty well back to normal and is eating like a little piggy.  Amos, we have determined, must have a growth in his nose.  We have tried every antibiotic we can find and the infection keeps coming back.  We can't afford to have a cat scan on him (at his age) I think we need to just make him comfortable.  I hate to think about saying good bye to another fur child but I know we don't have too long.  The hard part is that Hunter is actually older than Amos.  Though neither one is older than 13 years........It's still too short of a life for my animals.  My cats usually last close to 20 years.  Anyway...I don't want to think about that now.

Thanksgiving is coming very fast.  I shopped  today for all the goodies to cook on Thursday.  I'm not looking forward to all the work but I sure am anxious to see my grand daughter and her significant other Randi.  Misty assured me she would be here for Thanksgiving dinner this year.  Then there's Christmas.....
Oh Lord!  More worry about what to get for everyone and lots of work to do both in decorating the house and yard and then cooking the meal again.

I have my husband's family gifts bought. Now a couple of gift cards and I'm done with buying.  Well maybe not...I still have to get my husband a big fat gift.  It's so hard to buy for someone who hates everything you get for him.  I can even purchase something he said he wanted and he would never use what ever it was because I gave it to him.  I swear I'm not making this up!  Well enough of that.......

I'm hoping for Snow close to Christmas this year.  I love the Christmas lights with snow all around them.  I'm not crazy about the new LED lights though.  They aren't as bright and showy as the old ones.  My husband is going to put them up tomorrow morning I think.  That means this week I will have to put up the huge wreath on the front of the house and the lights, ornaments and topper on the Blue Spruce in the front yard.  Oh, I almost forgot....the air-blown Snowman on the side yard too.  I never got out all the decorations last year so I think I'll start early this year.  I always feel guilty when I don't put them all out.  I don't feel guilty however.....when it's time to put things away because it's a lot faster without all the extra stuff.

I went out to lunch with an old friend of mine last week and we had the best time.  She gave me some advice about our current flea problem.  She uses Cedar chips in her dog run and it keeps the fleas to a dull roar.  I think after the holidays we need to do the same thing.  Our two girls are both California girls and DO NOT like to go potty in the muddy dog run.  It's bad enough that we have made them come to a colder and wetter climate....but now we expect them to use a muddy bog instead of soft green (dry) grass?????  How uncivilized!  I'm hoping that the cedar chips or shavings will entice them into using the dog run again.
Have a pleasant one today
Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place's

Friday, September 23, 2011

Weekend Update

Tomorrow is dentist day.  I'm hopeful that this will be the last one.  I feel like this has been a drawn out process.  I've never had a dentist that would not do my work mostly in one sitting.  I have to have an antibiotic before treatment because of my enlarged heart so it is an imposition to keep taking the antibiotics and getting a yeast infection each time.  We have been trying to get our teeth completed since June.

Cherry and Sugar are starting to play more and Sugar can't go anywhere without CherrySugar is making a few independent choices though.  She has decided that she enjoys sitting on the back of the sofa and looking out the window.  Cherry always goes with me when I head to the bathroom to take my bath and Sugar usually follows.  Today she stayed on the back of the sofa.  I think maybe she has decided that nothing is going to hurt her here.  Except that bully kitty, Fina.....6 pounds of mean, that one is.

The rain is about to show up in Oregon.  Sunday we are possibly going to see a little rain and then on Monday we are going to have  a bunch of rain.  What would Oregon be without rain?  I was hoping I could get outside and work on the North side of the house.  My Wisteria is trying to grab everything in sight.
The dead limbs on the pines are looking messy and need to be cut off.  The Pine in the back was already over trimmed by the neighbor who decided that it was going to touch his house.  The Rhodie's are needing to be trimmed back too.  Thinking about work is depressing me........

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Love Is A Many Furred Thing

Just a quick note.  Here's a picture of the two lover boys in their bed.  Lamont and Victor could not exist without each other.
I was going to take Lamont to the Humane Society but Victor would probably die without him so I'm just going to have to keep him on the anti-spray meds until it breaks his habit. 

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Escape from Muttzncatz's Place

If you care to follow this blog look on the left side of the page and there is a button to join.  The comments were nice (Nancy) but it would be great to have real followers.  I see I have a new person from Romania.  Welcome!  Do come in and I hope you find some humor in my life because most of the time, I can't.

If you don't have followers it's sort of like talking to yourself.  I don't do well talking to myself.  I think I'm a nice enough person but super BORING!  Besides..... I always end up being angry with something or someone if I talk to myself.

It's raining today so no yard work again.  It's almost time to start dinner so watch the sun come out and the rain dry up. I always panic this time of year. I know there will be other days of cool but sunny weather yet before the winter weather sets in

Dinner is done and all my chores are finished.  The meds for the cats and dog are given and now it's my time until around 12:30 AM.  I have to start my husbands breakfast, pack his lunch and be done by 1:00 AM.  After that it's time for bed.

We almost lost Sugar today.   I let her out into the dog run while I was cooking dinner and when I went to check on her about five minutes later she wasn't there.  She had dug under the lattice attached to our deck and was digging to get out from under the deck to freedom when I called her back.  We put slats up so she can't do that again.  It's secure for now but we will have to watch her constantly.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

PS  There is a very dedicated organization I think you might want to hear a little about.  Please give a couple of minutes to listen to this important video.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Follow Me...Please

Fall has begun.  It has been raining all day off and on.  I love the rain because it cleans the air up.  No more allergens just clean fresh air.  Right now (9:17 PM) it's 58 degrees.  I actually had to put light dresses on the girls this morning.  Sugar is wearing Cherry's dress but it's too big for her so we need to get her some doggy duds of her own.  I have determined that pink is not the color for Sugar.  Her red hair looks awful with the pink and white striped dress. I'm currently knitting a sweater that looks like a watermelon. (I"ll post a pic when I get done)  I'm not sure which girl it will fit so we'll see when it's finished.
The pattern and yarn came form my local yarn shop, The Naked Sheep Knit Shop.  You can follow them on Facebook.  Speaking of following..... how about some of you signing up to follow my blog?  I see all these hits from all over the world and no one wants to admit that they read my blog.  Come on know who you are.  Are you one of the people from Germany?  Isle of Man?  Russia?  Japan?  Malaysia? UK? US? Pakistan? I know you're out there....please make me feel better and sign up to follow my blog.  I'll have to stop writing if no one wants to admit to reading my posts.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Two Heads Are Better Than One

Yesterday was a busy day.  I did all my usual chores and cleaned the house and then we took Cherry and Sugar to our vet in Vancouver for Sugar's well check.  She was checked out, caught up on her shots, tested for heartworm (she comes from California) and given antibiotics for an upper respiratory infection.  Personally I think the Oregon Humane Society should pay for the upper respiratory infection and the heart worm testing.

The two girls are starting to get along better.  I walked into the computer room and found this scene yesterday afternoon.

They had been sleeping and that's why Cherry looks half asleep.  I heard NO growling  or any upset coming from that room at any time prior to this picture.
They are in Cherry's box so I'm thinking I may have to get rid of Sugar's box.  I'll wait a bit and give them time to figure out what feels right for them.

The cats have learned to ignore the new child.  Tanner has a banana box overturned on his chair and he piers out of the holes to make sure nobody is coming after him.  When you go by the box this yellow eyeball follows you about 90 degrees through the front and side of the box.  It's almost eerie. 

Sugar is still afraid of Fina.  Fina wants to be friends and headbutt Sugar.  Sugar jumps about two feet away as soon as Fina gets close enough to touch her. time this will be worked out between them.

Have a super day

from Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Getting To Know Sugar

I'm so glad our mini heatwave is finally over. I hate 90 degree weather. Now maybe I can get back to work in the yard.  I have so much trimming to get done. According to the weatherman on our local channel we may have rain on Saturday.

I can hardly wait until Sugar gets used to the sounds here in our home. I get to sleep about 2:30 AM and she wakes me at about 8:30 AM.  Maybe I could crate her with a radio and a warm blanket and she wouldn't hear our neighbors or the cats in the other part of the house.  Our next door neighbor decided to take a phone call on her deck this morning and Sugar had a fit.  Then in the next hour Fina decided to throw herself at the bedroom door until I got up.  These guys (cats) all have their own way of handling situations.  Fina was attempting to get me up to feed everyone.  She won.......again!

This morning I went out on the South side of the house to water our tomato plant and there was a baby raccoon climbing up the tree extremely close to where I stood. he settled on a branch that he considered high enough to be safe from the human and began talking to me.  After he finished his speech I went to get the hose and turn on the water.  When I returned to the top of the stairs again he was gone.

Today was chase the Tanner day.  It was flea meds time for the poor child.  He's getting better about leaving a stream of pee as we chase him though. He ran into the vacuum box that I fell on the other night.  It was easy to reach in and rub the treatment on the back of his neck.  He's always the last one to get his flea treatment only because of the degree of difficulty.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sugar Has Come Home

Sugar came home with us today after the meet and greet at the Oregon Humane Society.  When She and Cherry met each other it was basically a no big deal thing.  When we got Sugar home however, Cherry decided that Sugar didn't have any business being in her home.  Cherry did the occasional growl of authority and then ignored her.  I figure it this way...they haven't torn each other apart yet so I think they'll eventually get along after a few days of being together.

We have to take her to our vet this week some time for the free checkup.  She sounds congested so I'm a bit concerned about that but maybe it's just one of the things typical to the breeds she is mixed with.

In the evenings I come in to the computer room/library and knit, crochet, cross stitch, paint, play games on the Internet (Pogo) or read.  I fixed a box with a pillow in it for Sugar since Cherry has one.  Cherry jumped in her box and Sugar ran to the other box and jumped in like she knew it was hers.  She must be fairly intelligent.  She certainly seems at home here.

The cats took Sugar in stride.  The only one who had his tail in a knot was Tanner.  He looks like someone put him in a dryer for a fluff dry every time he comes face-to-face with Sugar.  When Fina came to investigate the new kid on the block she jumped in front of Sugar like she wanted to scare her.  It worked.  Sugar now gives Fina a very wide berth.  It's hard to comprehend because Fina is so small and looks frail but she IS the queen of the place and must be obeyed!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Help End Petlessness

Today I went to the Oregon Humane Society to find a sister for Cherry. I found one the same age and kind as her.  She is adorable.  I put a hold on her so we can take Cherry to meet her tomorrow.  There were three other sets of people interested in her while we were visiting with her.
She already has a name.  This is Sugar and she's four years old.  She comes from Santa Barbara and she is  nine pounds of  love.  Keep your fingers crossed that Cherry likes her because she really needs a playmate. I'm hoping Sugar doesn't have a heart attack when she meets all the cats and (Vice Versa).

Tomorrow should be interesting......................

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Friday, September 9, 2011

Hurricane Linda

Life has become a bit more uncomplicated lately.  For a couple of years now we have had a very clingy person think she belongs here at our house.  She showed up at dinner time last Friday and I had a small gathering (my son, a neighbor and her friend) for a BBQ.  When the food was done she said she had to go home and she left.  Two hours later she called me and asked if she could come over and get some things she had stored here for safety. I told her sure and she said she would be right over.  When she got here she blew up.  She informed me that I didn't care a thing about her and that she apparently wasn't in my circle of friends.  I didn't say a word.  She walked out the door saying she wouldn't bother me anymore and so far hasn't.  This is a good thing.
I am so happy she is gone because I was going to have to tell her to stop coming here anyway.  Prior to that dramatic incident by three days, she came over and plunked her rear end in one of our cloth covered dining room chairs and pooped her pants.  She would not even try to get to the bathroom until she had finished.  Then she left the bathroom a horrid mess and tracked it all the way to the door.  This woman is younger than I am by three years!  I could understand if she was more handicapped and couldn't walk....but she didn't even try to make it to the bathroom.  It took me three hours to completely clean everything up.  She never apologized but offered a, "I'm so tired of this."  You see...the other part of the story is.....she informed me five minutes before this happened that she had two of these attacks at home before she came over.  Now I ask you...would you go to someones house if you had that problem already at home?  You team that up with the fact that she never bathes or washes her hair and just plain stinks......icky!  Believe me when I say she was on a fast track out of here anyway.  Now I get up in the morning and I am more relaxed just knowing she won't be here ever again!!!!

Now for kitty news:
Homer, Lamont and Hunter are on a calming liquid prescription.  Hunter and Lamont are doing fine on it but the dose was too much for Homer.  I practically had to carry him to the food and water and then again to the box.  Yesterday I reduced Homer's dose and he seems to be able to get around the house again.  The best news is that not one of them is spraying!  Homer has returned to the main part of the house with Fina, Tanner and Paddy.  This is a new medicine that I picked up at the vet in Washington. 

We told Cherry that we will start to look for a sister for her real soon.  She keeps trying to play with the cats and they just don't respond.  She jumps this way and that swinging her body into one of them and they just stand there and look at her or move away.  She needs a playmate.  Mind you...we really don't need another animal.

Now that Homer is in the main part of the house I will probably be taking pictures and showing you again.  Since he is the youngest of the bunch he does more amusing things.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Sunday, July 31, 2011

All Is Quiet On The NorthWestern Front

Today we did the sock return at KMart and went to Costco (found some wonderful flannel sheets for our bed), then a quick trip to Petco for Cherry's cookies.  They have doggy chocolate chip and sandwich cookies that look good enough to eat.  She loves them and must have one a day.  What she isn't going to like is the toothpaste and toothbrush we got for her.

My days should calm down a bit now since we have all the meds for the cats and no appointments for the dentist until September.  Barring anything should be wonderfully boring here for a while. ( This is where God decides that we aren't working hard enough and sends us yet another  challenge)  If possible..... I'm going back to weeding the yard.

I adore Sunday nights.  It's my quiet time.  My husband goes to bed and the weekend is finally over.  The cats go to their special baskets and crash for a few hours and it's just so perfectly peaceful.  I can watch a movie or blog or craft or paint or anything I wish with little or no interruption.  Lately my tooth pain has been interrupting my quiet times though.  Now that's gone and I can get on with my R&R.

I'm half done with my crocheted dog sweater.  It's a pattern by My Savannah Cottage.  She has so many wonderful patterns for doggy dresses and sweaters.  If you get a chance go and check out her wonderful patterns.

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Saturday, July 30, 2011

I'm Here...Minus One Tooth

We went to the dentist today and the painful tooth is finally gone for good. One more visit to take care of my three tiny cavities and I'm done.  I have to wonder how long it will be before I take them out and soak them at night.  Getting old is such a pain.

Victor (who we took in, in his 10 or so years of life) went to the vet yesterday for his shot for his inflamed gums.  He was allergic to the enamel on his teeth so we had them extracted.  He still gets swollen and red about every month to month and a half. It's a good thing there is no such thing as a tooth fairy for cats or we would be broke!

Tomorrow we are going to go to KMart to exchange my husband's socks we bought last weekend.  He wanted crew socks and got ones with the heels in them. That concludes his clothes shopping for Winter.  I usually call it his school clothes shopping trip. ( 'cause it bugs him)

My son just bought a new motorcycle.  I even like the looks of this one. My husband was dreaming about it and from what I could understand he rode it most of the night.  He wants a bike super bad but I think he's too old to handle one.  He's use to driving a semi and makes wide turns and rides the center line most of the time so........I don't think so!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Back Went Out But I Didn't

I'm not sure what I did tonight to throw out my back... but it's out.  The pain is enough to take my breath away.  Then there's my toothache.  I can't seem to win the pain battle lately.

I'm making another dog sweater for Cherry.  It's crocheted this time.  It has a bunch of popcorn stitches on the back panel.  When I get it done I'll take a picture and post it here.  It's done in Knit Picks Swish worsted in Marine Heather.  That's kind of a deep teal and dark turquoise color.  I adore Knit Picks yarn and their needles.  They are a local company but I still have to buy their products online.

Homer and Moosey went to the vet and returned home with antibiotics for their infections.  Moosey is easy to give meds to.  Homer, on the other hand, is like wrestling with an octopus. He's around 17 pounds of furry legs all moving at the same time. I think I got more liquid on me than in his mouth.

Have a pleasant tomorrow
Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Friday, July 22, 2011

Back To The Vet We Go

Tomorrow Moosey goes back to our vet.  He is having a problem with a recurring infection that sometimes turns into an upper respiratory infection.  I want to get him there before he stops eating.  When his nose gets so full that he can no longer smell his food he quits eating and he doesn't have a pound to spare.  He is a little under weight though not unhealthy. 

Tomorrow is actually supposed to be on the warm side.  Maybe close to 90 degrees. Could this be the beginning of Summer?  One of our local weathermen said today that we are still under the lingering effects of the La Nina from this Winter and that next Winter it looks like we will again be under the La Nina.  At the beginning of Fall last year all the weather people were thinking we would be having one of the worst Winters we have had in many years.  I'm thinking.....does that mean it might happen this year then?  If they predict the same kind of Winter as last year I'm betting we will have the bad one that was actually predicted last year. *snicker*

I have so much I want to accomplish tomorrow.  First Moosey to the vet then I want to go to the Farmers market in Vancouver and get fresh local produce.  Then I have a tee shirt to return.  After all that ...then we can go grocery shopping.

Because the weather has been so crappy I still have yard work to finish too.  I can't do that until the sun is almost ready to set because my skin gets bright red in the sun.  I don't mean sunburn because my skin is more olive...I mean rashy bright red. The doctor doesn't seem to think this is a big deal so, Oh Well!

Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Golden Years....Ha!

Teeth are squeaky clean but the sore tooth is still in my mouth.  The dentist wouldn't pull it until the infection is all gone.  Since I was having pain... an  infection must be present so I had to get a script for antibiotics for a two week course. On the thirtieth it will get extracted and the pain will be all gone. Just what the doctor ordered.....another hole in my head.

Do NOT ever believe that when you get to be a senior you are in your "golden years".  Whoever coined that phrase had a real sense of humor.  There is nothing golden about not being able to cough or sneeze without wetting your pants or having to have scissors and needle nose pliers close at hand in the kitchen so you can open sealed packages.  How about trying to open a screw top jar of pain medication but can't because your arthritic hands hurt too much?  Then there's child proof caps that your meds come in and it takes a child to open them.  Golden...I think not!

We have to go to the vet tomorrow and pick up some meds for the boys in the back room.  It's anti-spray meds....called clomicalm.  Homer is still going crazy and spraying everything in site.  He started the spraying when we brought Lamont inside.  I bought Homer a calming collar with herbs on it which he stuck his claw in and ripped in half.  That was $15.00 well spent.

I think we are going to make a stop at a farmers market tomorrow also.  There's one up in Vancouver on the way to the vets office.  I want to see if they have any vine ripened tomatoes.  I'm growing tomatoes in pots on the deck but they are just starting.  We had such a late growing season this year.

Good night from Muttzncatz's Place

Friday, July 15, 2011

Chocolate Cake and Cherry's Wheels

Tomorrow we go to the dentist.  Both my husband and myself.  We are supposed to have our teeth cleaned but I think I'm going to change the procedure.  I have a toothache and it needs to be addressed asap.  At this point I don't care if they pull it out as long as it stops hurting!

I just iced the cake I made today...... so I completed everything I said I was going to do except the weeding.  It's going to rain tonight and tomorrow so gee whiz.....I can't do any yard work.  Awwwwwe I feel so bad *sniff*

mmmmmm the cake is good!  It's chocolate and has vanilla frosting with just a touch of fresh lemon zest in it.  I had to put it in my convection oven on the counter to cool because Hunter likes to just help himself to the top of cakes and muffins left unattended.  I remember one time I left out a pizza with a cellophane shrink wrap on it.  I went outside for about ten minutes while the oven heated up and when I returned there were holes all over the cellophane and a few of the pepperoni pieces were missing.  There he was.... happily cleaning his face sitting in the living room as though nothing had happened. The least he could have done was look guilty.

I'm not sure if I mentioned it but when we went to the beach a few weeks ago we went to a puppy boutique on the Prom in Seaside.  Cherry got herself  some wheels.  We bought her a doggy stroller.  That was wonderful because we didn't have to stop and pick her up when a big dog approached us on the sidewalk.  Everyone thinks it was a ridiculous purchase, but it even has a place to store purchases underneath her seat.  We were able to walk without the extra weight of the packages, Cherry pulling on her leash and both of us managing our walking stick and cane with ease.  It wasn't a frivilous purchase at was very sensible.  Our friends just laugh and think we're spoiling the dog but we know the real reason for the purchase so they can just think what they want.

Good Night from Muttzncatz's Place

Today Was Hair Ball Day

Almost all the cats got rid of a hairball today.  Thank God I have a small rug shampooer.  It was very busy all day.  I'm thinking I had better go and get some of that malt tasting hairball remedy....not that I know what it tastes like...the vet told me it was a pleasant tasting malt flavor.  Now I wonder if he tried it??????  Oh well I guess that's his problem, right?

I had a super rough night with my restless leg syndrome in full force.  I ended up sleeping a whole 3 1/2 hours.  If I don't sleep tonight, I'm going to be very upset... not to mention grouchy.  The world is a far better place when I've had enough sleep.

Tomorrow is Friday and that means extra housework for me.  I'm going to BBQ a big steak for dinner too.  Maybe a tossed green salad and baked potato also.   If there's time I may bake a cake for the weekend.  I like to have something to nibble on all weekend long.

It's still raining here but this weekend it's supposed to clear up so I'll be outside working in the yard again. Not a fun thought but the more I do the closer I get to completing the job.  I still need to put the weed retardant on the part I've already done. 

Off to bed....
Good Night From Muttzncatz's Place

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Another Rainy Day In Oregon

It's been raining off and on for most of the day right into evening.  I love it!  That means it's too wet to sit on the ground and do weed pulling Yea!!!!!  A day off is a good thing.

So...what to do with my time?  How about dragging out the watercolors and giving a kitty portrait a try?  Let's see....who should I paint?  I can guarantee it won't be a black kitty so that lets Homer and Moosey off the hook.  Maybe miss funny face (Fina)  Her cute little one nostril, cleft lip might be interesting to paint.  Tanner has beautiful markings even though he has a scaredy-cat attitude.  Most of the time when I'm trying to get a photo of him all I see is his rump moving away ASAP.  Hunter won't get away from in front of the camera so it's hard to get any distance to get a good picture of him.  Paddy is usually sound asleep or has his head in a just emptied can of cat food. (That's why we call him can-face.  He has a permanent circle cut around his face from the cans which wouldn't be too awfully wonderful in a portrait anyway) Lamont might be a good model but he is presently not a happy camper from being confined to the back room.  Victor doesn't care as long as he can be Velcroed to Lamont.  Maybe someone else has a cute and cooperative kitty that would like to be a subject of a portrait?  You would think that out of eight cats at least one would be a good subject, wouldn't you?

Maybe I could do one of the birds we had appear at the feeders last month.  We had Orioles, Tanagers and Evening Grosbeaks.  What a treat it was to see them. Here's a picture of one of them.

We always have Black headed Grosbeaks but once in a while these beauties come through and visit for a couple of days.  During this time the birdwatching society at the sliding glass door was a standing room only situation.

I think I'll get busy now and do one of my bird photos.

Good night from Muttzncatz's Place

Now For The Dog Days Of Summer.......

Thank God the fourth of July is over.  We did well though.  Everything turned out pretty well and we only had one glitch.......The Turkey had to go from the BBQ to the oven to get done in time.  I understand the Vancouver, Washington fireworks display was nothing to shout about this year.  I was told they were low to the ground and only 25 minutes instead of the old 45 minutes.  Nothing stays the same I guess.

I'm working outside when I can ...weeding the flower beds. This is a bit of a sore spot for me since we pay extra in our rent so they do our yard work.  We live in a mobile home park and we are in a section that is supposed to have yard  maintenance included. Watering, weed control, edging, trimming are all included.  Ya, right!  I have worked harder in this space than in my old one where I was responsible for all the yard work.  The only thing the park does is mow the very front lawn because it shows from the street.  After I'm done with the weeding then I have to start the trimming of the trees and bushes. Is it any wonder that I like Winter better than Summer?

I'm still looking for a watercolor class to attend.  I did find my last teachers phone number though.  I'm going to call her this week and see if I could maybe go to another one of her classes somewhere else.  I need some inspiration.  If I could go out and take pictures of flowers and birds.....I would possibly become inspired.

We are having a very cool Summer so far.  I do understand that we will be in the oven soon. 

On the kitty scene.........I now have Moosey, Victor, Lamont and Homer in the back room (Due to spraying issues).  Victor has to be watched very carefully because he has pain shots for his inflamed gums about every 6 weeks.  (He was allergic to the enamel on his teeth and had to have them pulled). When
he hisses it sounds reeeeeeally wet.  He hisses every chance he gets because he's still very feral. At least HE thinks he's still feral.  He loves to be petted behind the ears and under the chin but then suddenly realizes he's being handled by a human and hisses and trys to look almost vicious.

In the main part of the house we have Fina, Hunter, Paddy and Tanner.  Tanner is trying so hard to make up to Hunter but the best he gets is a whomp on the top of his head.  Since we did a major shift in the fur people that live in each part of the house things have not been boring.  Lamont is lamenting, Victor is glued to Lamont (no change there), Moosey attacks Homer relentlessly, Tanner keeps getting beat up by Hunter, Paddy is afraid Hunter will eat all his food and Fina is attacking Hunter Paddy and Tanner.  Ahhhh, life is good....well, maybe not good, but interesting.

Good night from Muttzncatz Place

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Van Has Gone To The Used Car Lot On The Strip

We decided to trade in the van for a Trailblazer.  The van was beginning to have more wrong with it than we could afford.  Might as well go and get a newer used car.  We got a 2004 Trailblazer with so many extras I couldn't believe it.  I get to pay for it out of my Social Security each month.

It seems like so many things have happened since the first of this year.  Some bad and some good.  The older you get the more people you know are dying off.  I heard once that God gives to us when we are young and when we get old he takes away.  I tend to believe it since so many of the people I knew years ago are no longer with us today.  By far the most devastating loss was the two kids, Midge and Ming.  The hardest part of loosing them was the timing...... with both going on the same day.  I don't know if I mentioned it before, but because of the large number of cats we had a very heavy garbage can each week.  Ten cats produced a bunch of scoopable litter in the can each week.  We were getting notices that we had better lighten the load or pay extra.  From then on I had to weigh everything that went into the can.  Luckily we have a single neighbor who lets us throw anything extra in her can.  Now with Midge and Ming gone I rarely have to take any extra to the neighbors can.  I still have to weigh the garbage though just to be sure.

I wish I could find a reasonably cheap watercolor class to go to.  I miss my class.  It was at the local community center but got cancelled because there were not enough people interested in it.  The class relaxed me and helped with my fibromyalgia pain.

Well...... better get in the kitchen and finish my 4th of July BBQ dishes.

 Good night from Muttzncatz's Place!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

And Then There Were Eight

Sadly, we are mourning the loss of two of our children.  Ming and Midge have gone over the Rainbow bridge. A few Saturdays ago we awoke and I began my medicine and feeding ritual.  Midgey always got her meds first.  I pulled her out from under the table she always slept under due to a heating vent there. I wrapped the towel around her and pilled her as usual.  Normally she didn't like it but took it in stride.  This day she turned on me and anchored her front claw in my chest.  I pulled her claw out, set her down and she flipped over on her side, yowled loudly, her front legs stretching out stiffly in front of her.  I ran and got the cat carrier to put her into.  I picked her up and set her back on the carpet so I could unlatch the carrier door and she again yowled and her legs went straight again. I carefully put her into the carrier and went to find Ming.  He couldn't walk.  I kept sitting him up and he kept falling over.  I retrieved a second carrier, put him  in and off we went to our vet.  The diagnosis was Midgey probably had a brain tumor and Ming needed steroids but that was risky because his heart had also worsened.  I could not put him through possibly having more heart trouble because of a steroid treatment.  Ming was around 23 and Midge was around 18 so they did have a long life but still I miss them so much.  No matter what the circumstances, I still always feel like maybe there was a chance for them to get better even though my heart knows better.  I have to say putting down two in one day is a hard one to take.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cherry's Hospital Experience

Our little Cherry had an operation on Saturday.  She was constantly getting bladder infections and it was found that she wasn't put together right in that area.  She had a nip and tuck and she won't be getting infections anymore.  She also had her teeth cleaned while she was under.  She came home that evening with a cone on her head to keep her from biting her stitches.  We found out that our mild mannered fur child had a temper.  She was still a bit out of it when we brought her home but I thought she should go potty before we settled her into her box.  I hooked her up to the leash and out we went.  She walked about a foot and put her head down ...the cone stopping her from going any further.  She stayed in that position for several seconds and then went about another foot, her cone catching on the ground again.  This process was repeated several times and then all of a sudden she jumped up and ran in large circles.  I had to reel in her leash to get her to stop.  She looked up at me and her eyes were wild looking.  She was angry and frustrated.  The next day she taught me that the cone will not be worn while going out to go potty!  She does just fine now that I learned my lesson.

She does well with her water and fairly well with her food.  I have to be careful when I give her a bite of something though because if she doesn't get it into her mouth right away it falls into the cone and ends up under her chin.  The cone is clear so she gets upset sometimes if she gets a piece of food stuck under it.  She thinks she can get to it but she can't.  Her stitches don't come out until April 9th so she will be wearing the cone for awhile.  She has learned to scoot on the carpet to itch her I have to watch her constantly.

Since we got our tax refunds back we can both get our dental work done.  I need a tooth pulled and my husband needs a crown.  Then I need some glasses.  It's been about three or four years since I had my eyes checked so it's time.

Goodnight from Muttzncatz's Place

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Kitty Flu

The flu bug has been rolling through here since the beginning of last week.  Almost all of the cats have had it.  We finally had to take Paddy to the vet yesterday.  He had a big expensive blood test and it's still the flu.  Midgey went also because she is loosing weight so she had a big expensive blood test too.  Her Thyroid is good (on meds) and all her organs are functioning well.  She will need some richer food.  We have to go tomorrow and pick it up.  Cherry had her Rabies shot and she wouldn't let us pick her up all night.  She yelped every time we tried.  She seems better today but she still grunts a bit when we pick her up. 
The only cats that didn't get the flu were Victor and Tanner.  I have no idea why they seemed to have an immunity.  I used the little green machine to clean the rugs so much I couldn't use the vacuum.  I couldn't tell where the rugs were actually dry.  Even the two cats in the back room got the flu (Hunter and Moosey).

My poor son broke his ankle at work.  He will be off it for around eight weeks.  I went tonight and picked up his mail for him.  He's about to go crazy already and it just happened at the end of last week.  He can't drive since it's his right foot.  I'm going to have to take him to the doctor possibly next week.

I sure wish that things would calm down a bit.  We can't afford all these bills for the animals.  Next week I have to renew Cherry's license for three years.  That's another $50.00.  This weekend I have to get some meds for Ming at Fred Meyer Pharmacy.  The vet writes a script for the meds and I take it there and they fill it.  They even price match with other pharmacies in the Portland area.

Better go to bed...Good night from Muttzncatz's Place

Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentines Day Is For Lovers

Valentines Day is for lovers cats.  Well, some cats. Like our gay guys (Hunter & Moosey and Victor & Lamont)  Victor follows Lamont around like a lost puppy.  You rarely see Lamont without a snuggled up Victor by his side.  Hunter and Moosey have lived in the back bedroom for years together so they developed a close relationship in a lover sort of way too.  All of our cats have been spayed and neutered so we maintain a zero population growth.  That is, unless we bring one in from outside who needs rescuing.  With ten cats..... we have reached our maximum once again.  So, sadly, there is no vacancy here.
Something I have always thought to be strange is when we are full there are NO cats trying to get in.  When we loose one or two cats suddenly there's a stray or two wanting to be fed and let inside.  How do they know that there is a vacancy?  Do they communicate with our cats? Do they, in fact, network with each other on the street? Do they make a mark somewhere on our property to show we are once again taking in orphans?

Of course, once they come in they don't go back outside.
(Muttzncatz's Place house rules) 

Goodnight from Muttzncatz's Place

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


The Kitties blew it!  They all had a good time having treats and catnip though.  Midgey swung at any cats that got too close to her, (Nasty drunk)
while Homer, Paddy and Lamont flew around the house like they were Tarzan.
Ming ate his catnip and went to bed in his basket. Fina, Victor and Tanner slept through the whole thing in their various favorite spots.  When they woke up they were covered with a fine coating of catnip which made them very popular with the other cats.  The cats in the back room (Hunter and Moosey) had catnip and slept soundly all evening.

Today was a sunny and crisp day in Portland.  That meant that the South side of the house was littered with lumps of fur in squares of sunlight a good portion of the day. You didn't need a sundial to know what time it just had to watch the cats moving slowly from East to West in the living room following the shafts of sunlight.

Well....maybe next Superbowl the cats will do better on their predictions?

Goodnight from Muttzncatz's Place

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Muttzncatz's Place/The Super Bowl Party

Today we went to the grocery store and got the makings for hamburgers.  I'm making potato salad tonight and we are having baked beans, potato chips and assorted crackers and cheese for snacks.  We got three bags of Whiskas cat treats and I'll bring out the wacky weed tomorrow.  The cats get so excited when they see the glass bottle of catnip (looks like a wine bottle and has a black cat on the label.  It says "Chat Noir"). I'm afraid they'll knock it on the floor and break it.  The excitement builds!

Maybe a pineapple upside down cake for desert?  It's either that or a dump cake.  If you people would comment occasionally I could ask which sounds the best to you ?  Alas....I have no one to help with some decisions.*Sniff* 

Homer is doing his part to help with the cleaning for the event.  He has dug under every appliance in the house and has brought out huge furry dust bunnies.  It's always after I have swept and mopped the floor though.  He's only looking for his little catnip mice but he thinks he has me fooled.  He'll stand there looking up at me with a very proud expression on his little face and a large dust bunny caught in the claws of his right foot.  Yes, he's right pawed.  Haven't you noticed that they are either right or left pawed?  Seriously.....just watch a couple of your pets.  Since we have 10 cats I have a good group for a test.  If I remember correctly, I have two cats that are lefties. I'll have to check again to see which ones they are.

Have to go make some hard boiled eggs for the potato salad................

Goodnight from Muttzncatz's Place

Friday, February 4, 2011

Who Do You Like For The Superbowl?

The cat's like the Steelers.  GO STEELERS!  Don't ask how we arrived at their pick,  just trust me.  Now I suppose they expect a Superbowl party with all the kitty treats and wacky weed too.  I have some pretty mean cats when they get high on catnip.  Midge and Paddy get really nasty.  I guess it's just like people who have different reactions to drugs and alcohol.  Midgey swings at all the other cats if they get too close to her and Paddy tries to steal the other kids  piles of wacky weed. 

I took some pictures this morning of the feeding ritual.  I'll post them soon so you can see the shifting from bowl to bowl that they do.  Ming got about three bowlfuls today.  There was a waiting line for the dry food bowls afterward.. so more than one cat got cheated out of their canned breakfast.  I run three bowls in the main part of the house so there's normally no waiting.

Tomorrow is shopping day.  High on my list are three packages of kitty treats.  You can't have a kitty Superbowl party without treats, can you?

Goodnight from Muttzncatz's Place

Surveillance Cameras Are A Must!

I think I should install cameras in every corner of this house.  Something is going on at night.  In the main part of the house we have eight cats.  In a separate room we have two more.  When I get up in the morning (our room is closed off to the pets) I enter the main part of the house.  The place looks like they've invited all the neighborhood cats over for a wild party while Cherry and I were sleeping.  It takes me a good half hour to pick up all the stuff from the floor that they have tossed off the counters and table.  It's not just some things that have been carelessly left out either.  Homer pulls pens and pencils out of a container on the kitchen counter. Then there are the cling-ons from the potty box that have been left here and there. After that I scoop up all the hairballs that have been deposited on the rug and get the rug shampooer out.  I put the tablecloth back on the table and then everything that was on the table when I went to bed (If I can find it all). Ya know.....while I'm doing all this they all watch me and not one of them even looks guilty.

When I've put the house back together again it's time to feed the cats.(otherwise known as slopping the hogs)  Two small cans of Friskies later....all the cats are playing musical dishes.  Why is it that someone Else's dish tastes better than their own? This game takes another 20 minutes until all the bowls are completely empty.  I'm never quite sure who ate what but everyone seems happy after breakfast so......what's the harm?  Next it's a quick spit bath and then off to find a warm spot to nap in.  What a life, right?

Goodnight from Muttzncatz's Place

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pet Porters Are The Best!

In April of last year we purchased a Pet Porter Jr. online.  The second time we used it my husband reached into the car and lifted it out.  I was ahead of him and almost to the door of the vet clinic when I heard a thud.  I turned around and the carrier was sitting on the ground and the handle was still in his hand.  I called the pet porter people and they immediately sent out not one, but two handles.  They were concerned that the cat was OK after the fall also.  I was so impressed!  These days there is no such thing as customer service so it was refreshing to encounter a business that cares.  Unfortunately the cat that dropped to the cement was one of our super feral ones (Victor).  I would imagine that it stressed him out majorly (it was hard to tell since the trip to the vet made him crazy anyway).

Since we have several cats, I have made their medicine times at 11:00 AM and 11:00 PM.  It's much easier to medicate all of the ailing and elderly ones at the same time.  The older ones have pillboxes with the days of the week on them.  If I'm late with their meds Mingy comes and gets me.  You see...they also get a treat after they take their meds.  Since Cherry was on meds for the last two weeks she has been getting a couple of her graham goldfishes after.

Good night from Muttzncatz's Place